Percy's Choice

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Jason: Hey guys!

Piper: What's up?

Nico: Today we're going to do a dare.

Gaby: It's from HunterOfChaos !

Calypso: Who doesn't go here.

Hazel: This is new.

Frank: Who wants to read it?

demigods_rule55 : I will!

Leo: It says; I dare them to tell Sally that Percy either-

Ryan: A.) Got shrunken down to toddler size, or-

Ayla: B.) Turned into a God-

Will: If we need proof we can just get him like that for a while!

Jada: That was re worded a lot because I forget things easily.

Percy: Wow, I have no idea how she would react to that.

Annabeth: She'd probably ask why.

Thalia: Let's go talk to her!

Wisegirl756 : First, we should probably fix demigods_rule55 . She's mad that we stoll(joke) his lines.


Leo: Who would apologize to her?

Calypso: Leo. Who do you think?

Jada: I volunteer as tribute!

Hazel: Why? You didn't even say a part of it.

Gaby: She says that she volunteers as tribute a lot.

Ryan : It's a fandom thing.

Percy: I'm sorry for this, but what the heck is a fandom?

Annabeth: It's the community of fans around a book/tv/movie/etc. series. For most of us it's fictionally based.

Jason: I've still never heard of one.

Piper: That's probably because you've lived in New Rome since you were two.

Thalia: Age two was when he was taken. He probably didn't actually get there until age three.

Frank: How did you know that stuff?

Ayla: *laughs* We read Percy's diary while he was sleeping.

demigods_rule55 : Percy, you have a diary!

Wisegirl756 : It doesn't matter, let's go talk to Sally.

Nico: You do have to admit it's funny.

Will: Uh, okay, I'm gonna go get an IM ready for dad just in case.


Frank: Is everybody ready to go?

Hazel: Yeah!

Thalia: Percy, please stay back of the group.

Percy: Okay! I'm still angry at you for-

Annabeth: They know! Just leave it in the past and put a pen in it.

Piper: Let's go then!

Everybody: *somehow gets to Sally's house*

Sally: Hey kids!

Kids: Hi Ms. Jackson!

demigods_rule55 : They stoll(joke) my line again! Can I have a cookie?

Gaby: Me too!

Ayla: Me three!

Leo: *dramatically*Wait- I wonder where Percy is!

Calypso: Oh yeah, he turned- umm-

Ryan: *sneaks to back* *whispers* Percy, toddler or god?

Percy: *whispers* God.

Nico: *overhears* Oh, yeah, he turned into a god.

Sally: Oh my! Can I see him?

Jada: Sure you can! He he, let's just go IM him for a second! *whispers* Will, get it ready!

Will: Dad, now!

Apollo: *makes Percy ginormous*


Sally: Percy! How are you?

Percy: It's amazing up here!

Annabeth: I thought you would be used to it by now Percy.

Piper: Forget about that, it's ridiculous.

Jada: *bursts out laughing* I'm sorry, but it's hard for me to lie without laughing. Ask Gaby, seriously.

Gaby: Yeah, you should've seen her at Hogwarts.

Leo: Well, at least I doing live with her then. Ryan and I-

Ryan: Nobody needs to know. The Stolls did it for all we know.

Calypso: What did you guys do?

Jason: They painted the Ares cabin pink.

Thalia: Yeah, it was all them. Just them.

Ayla: Thalia, please be quiet.

Hazel: Moving on, what do you think Sally?

Sally: I'm shocked.

demigods_rule55 : No, about the cookies!

Sally: I have some in the kitchen.

Poseidon kids except for Percy: *races to the kitchen* If you touch those cookies I will-!!!

Nico: Should we come clean?

Sally: About what?

Wisegirl756 : We're just using Apollo to make him look big. Percy's still normal.

Sally: Perseus Jackson!

Frank: It wasn't his fault, it was a dare.

Sally: Oh, how did you do it?

Will: We called my dad, Apollo.

Sally: Oh, well, bye kids! Annabeth, please make sure these kids don't get stomach aches eating the cookies.


Jada: I'm sorry, but I think that's impossible. *stuffs sixth cookie in mouth*

demigods_rule55 : Take as many as you can and run!

Gaby: Every demigod for herself or himself!

Ayla: *grabs box of cookies*

Everyone: *somehow appears back at CHB*

Thalia and Ayla: I guess that's it.

Annabeth, Jada, and Wisegirl756 : Thanks for reading!

Will: And writing your amazing books!

Piper: And voting!

Percy, Gaby, Ayla, and demigods_rule55 : And commenting!

Calypso: If you have the chance please read Jada's,

Nico and Hazel: gabythomas543 's,

Frank: aylasbooks 's and CypherIllusion 's books!

Jason and Thalia: For a shout out just ask!

Leo and Ryan: Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Everyone: Later!

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