The PJO series

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CypherIllusion : Hello there!

Leo: Today we are doing a dare sent to us from...

Percy: demigods_rule55

gabythomas543 : The dare is...

aylasbooks : I dare everyone to read the entire PJO series, and then watch the movies!

Jada: Well, my guess is gabythomas543 , aylasbooks , CypherIllusion , and I have already read the books as well as watched the movies that are out, correct?

All names listed in last sentence: Yep. *Gets their own book set of the PJO series* Read away! *Goes and plays checkers*

Annabeth: Okay, let's read!

Actual characters: *reads the books* *freaks out*

Nico: What in Hades is this?

Thalia: I kinda sent our group diary to a man named Rick.

Percy: What the Hades man?

Nico: Seriously, that stuff makes me feel weird.

Annabeth: I wrote that stuff in confidence, but it was a good story. Won't it attract monsters, stalkers, and stuff though.

Thalia: First off, sorry. Second off, it won't attract any stalkers or stuff because he wrote it as fiction.

Percy: I guess it might be okay then.

Nico: Wait, what do you mean that you've read it Jada, gabythomas543 , aylasbooks , and CypherIllusion ?

Mortal world demigods: We lived in the mortal world long enough to read the books before coming to CHB or CJ.

Percy: I feel weird about that.

Annabeth: Me too.

Thalia: Anyways, the dare said there were movies too.

*currently out PJO movies appear on a table*

Nico: Okay then.

Actual PJO characters: *Watches movies* *Freaks out*

Annabeth: WHAT THE HADES, I AM BLONDE! I have never died my hair before.

Percy: We look like we were twenty. We went in that quest when we were 12!

People not in the movies: *Calms down Percy and Annabeth*

Frank: I guess that's it.

Hazel: That had pretty much nothing to do with us.

Jason: Anyways, please and thank you for commenting,

Piper: And voting,

Calypso: And reading!

Everyone in story: Later!

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