Preggers 2, This Time It's Real

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Annabeth: Hello there!

Percy: Today we're gonna do a dare.

Jason: The dare is from Gaby.

Piper: The dare is...

Gaby: I dare Nico to have the surgery that makes him preggers!

Nico: *lunges at Gaby*

Hazel: *goes and calms down Nico*

Thalia: *jumps in front of Gaby with Aegis* Sorry Nico, but you have to do it and you can't murder Gaby. *whispers* Gaby, just to be safe you should probably go into a separate room.

Gaby: Yeah. Bye! *leaves room*

Jada: Wait, I think I can come up with a loop hole for him! It says that you have to 'have' the surgery. If you just own the surgery that would be technically okay.

Will: That's awesome, because I know the person who owns the surgery.

Ayla: Really?

Will: No, I was just kidding.

Leo: What even happens in that surgery?

Calypso: We don't need to talk about it because little kids might read this.

Leo: Okay.

Ryan: What if we just have him buy all of the things in the surgery? Than he would own the surgery right?

Frank: I guess that could work, but where would we find that stuff?

Percy: You could try Amazon.

Nico: No, E-Bay is better.

Piper: I usually go to the specific store I want's website.

Jada: Let's just go to Amazon.

Annabeth: Let's take a vote. All those in favor of Amazon say "I".

*6/14 people say "I"*

Calypso: Anyone in favor of E-Bay say "I".

*5/14 people say "I"*

Piper: Anyone in favor of just going to certain store's websites say "I".

*3/14 people say "I"*

Hazel: Okay, so we'll use Amazon.

Frank: Let's go to the big house.

*everyone walks over to big house*

Ayla: *sits down at computer* Okay Will, what do we get?

Will: *reads off list of stuff*

Nico: Thanks! I really didn't want to be pregnant.

Hazel and Will: I didn't want you to be either.

Leo: Well, congratulations bro!

Ryan: You have the pregnancy surgery!

Jason: Don't worry you'd still be our friend if you were pregnant.

Annabeth: Quit teasing him.

Nico: Thank you.

Percy: Well, I guess that's it.

Gaby: *reappears* What's up?

Thalia: *snickers* Nico finished the dare.

Leo: I forgot you were there!

Thalia: I was whittling a knife.

Gaby: In other news, yay! Nico's baby! Can I be the godmother?

Jada: *snickers* When Nico has a baby we both know I'll be the godmother.

Annabeth: Anyways, thanks for reading!

Thalia: And voting!

Jason: And writing your epic books!

Ryan and Ayla: And commenting!

Jada: Keep being the sparkly unicorns you are!

Piper: *charm speaks* Please go check out gabythomas543 's books.

Everyone: Later!

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