Flight Height

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Gaby: *runs in eating a blue cookie* Hey there!

Percy: How did you get into my house.

*Sally appears*

Sally: I let her in.

*Sally disappears*

Annabeth: We're back! What's up guys?

Piper: Nothing much.

Hazel: We missed you!

Frank: In other news, Nico and Will are going on a date and that's why they're not here!

Jada: *looks around**fangirls* They shall be together forever and ever by royal decree of the Solangelo shippers.

Thalia: Okay then, anyways, today we're going to do a dare.

Calypso: The dare is from Ayla.

Leo: The dare is...

Ayla: To Jason, how high can you fly?

Jason: It depends on what you mean.

Ryan: The height in ft. of which you can fly.

Jason: Well, I guess I could probably fly as high as I want, but then I would be in space and not have air.

Leo: Do you wanna test it?

Percy: Yes.

Piper: Let's go!

Annabeth: We just need to give him an astronaut's helmet and fill it with air.

Ayla: Okay! *finds an astronaut's helmet*

Jada: It still needs air though.

Gaby: *fills helmet with air*

Thalia: I'll fly up and give you guys notices on him.

Ryan: *Starts getting the camera ready*

Frank: Okay, Jason are you ready?

Jason: I don't know.

Hazel: It'll be okay, you just have to believe you can.

Calypso: Yeah! Here, I sew some mittens for you.

Annabeth: Remember, in space you can't let your skin show.

Piper: *puts the mittens on Jason, and puts leg warmers on him* Thank you Calypso!

Calypso: You're welcome.

Leo: Are you ready to go buddy?

Jason: Yeah. *starts to fly*

Percy: Okay Thalia, are you sure you're okay with going up that high.

Thalia: Yeah, Ayla has been helping me with it.

Ayla: Just breathe Thalia, you are a child of Zeus, you can do this.

Jada: Ryan, do you have the camera steady.

Gaby: We want to keep every second of this.

Ryan: Yeah, it's good.

Hazel: Good luck guys!

Frank: Thalia, if you want I can turn into a bird or something and take some of the flying for you.

Thalia: That'd be really nice. Thanks Frank. I'll take the lower part. *flies off*

Hazel: Frank, are you sure you am do this?

Frank: Yeah, *turns into a bird* I can do this. Squak!

Gaby: I've heard that some breathing stuffs can help your heart to deal with the loss of air.

Piper: *does the breathing exercises with Frank*

Jason: *very far off* This is difficult!

Leo: He talked! Did you guys hear that?

Calypso: Yes, I wonder how high up he is.

Annabeth: It's hard to tell exactly where, but it should be somewhere near the top of the mountain range.

Percy: Did you get him talking?

Ryan: Yeah! Hephaestus gave this to me as a gift.

Ayla: Cool. I love it when you guys do this stuff.

Jada: Thank you! We all love that you give us so many dares and questions!

Thalia: He's in the ozone layer! *lands* *starts breathing heavy* Frank, could you take over?

Frank: Sure! *flies off*

Hazel: Good luck! Be careful!

Piper: How's Jason doing?

Annabeth: He should be okay with the air we gave him.

Jada: He will have to come down eventually though.

Percy: We should make a Welcome banner for him.

Gaby: I'll get the blue paper!

Leo: I'll get the orange paint!

Calypso: If you guys want I could plant a garden with flowers that spell out "Welcome".

Ryan: I'm still just sitting here filming it. It's fun!

Ayla: I think I see Frank and Jason!

Jason: *flies into earshot distance* Space!

Thalia: Hey little bro!

Piper: Hey Jason!

Ryan: Could you do a flip or something?

Jason: *does a flip*

Gaby: Yay!

Percy: We are almost done with the banner!

Annabeth: Just land on this landing pad!

Hazel: Frank! Land on the right side landing pad!

Frank: Okay! Squak!

Calypso: How can he talk while he's a bird?

Jada: I want for him to talk and I wrote this.

Leo: What?

Jada: Nothing.

Leo: Sure you didn't, sure.

Ryan: Can I stop filming?

Gaby: No.

Ayla: Well, I guess that kind of answers my question.

Annabeth: We are almost done with this question.

Jason: *lands*

Piper: Jason! Are you okay?

Jason: Yeah.

Percy: Do you like the banner.

Jason: Yeah, but I'm kind of tired. Would you guys mind if I went to sleep? Nice flowers.

Calypso: Thank you.

Thalia: Of course we don't mind if you go to sleep.

Frank: *lands*

Hazel: Frank!

Frank: Hey.

Ayla: I guess that's it!

Jada: Thanks for reading!

Gaby: And writing your awesome books!

Ryan: And voting!

Leo: Keep being your rainbow sparkly unicorn selves!

Annabeth: Please read Jada's new book called "One Day".

Percy: And please read gabythomas543 's books!

Thalia: If you want a shout out or something like that just ask in the comments!

Everybody: Later!

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