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Piper: Hey! Sorry it's been so long. It's been, what, a million years?

Jason: Anyways, today we're introducing the daughter of Iris, arin598 !

Arin: You can just call me Arin.

Butch: *magically appears* Have fun, sis! *magically dissapears*

aylasbooks : Well that was fun, and today we have a dare!

OliviaDiAngelo : I dare everyone to play twister.

Nico: Where'd you get that idea from? *tries to hide his Michael Jackson albums in his pants really awkwardly* No idea...

Thalia: Well, to get started we need some music.

Will: Sis? Will you start us off?

DisneyPJO : Love to! *Sings Michael Jackson's Twister.*

Percy: *grabs Annabeth's hand* *starts to dance*

Annabeth: *smiles* Percy, what're you doing!

Frank: *starts dancing with Hazel* Come on, everybody dance!

Hazel: You know, with the impromptu singing and dancing this is starting to feel like High School Musical.

CypherIllusion / RyanIllusion : You did your research.

gabythomas543 : A round of applause!

Everybody: *claps*

Jada: *whispers something to DisneyPJO * Sing something that has to do with stopping. I need to get this moving.

DisneyPJO : *sings song about stopping nobody knows the name to*

Leo: So let's get started! *Drags out Twister* Little help here?

Calypso: *helps set up game*

demigods_rule55 : Whoooo, let's play!

Everbody: *plays Twister* *says dang it!*

arin598: Huh, I guess that's it!

Annabeth: Sorry it's so short!

Hazel: We're going to try to start updating again.

Calypso: Of course, it'll take a little longer than in the past because of school.

aylasbooks: Well, thanks for reading!

OliviaDiAngelo: And voting!

DisneyPJO: And commenting!

@cypherillusion  : And writing your own awesome stories!

gabythomas543: And thanks for reading this, you unicorn!

Jada: And thanks for sticking with me.

demigods_rule55: And keep being a rainbow sparkly unicorn!

Annabeth: Here's a cookie for OliviaDiAngelo ( : : : )

Percy: They should all get a cookie.

Leo: Are you sure?

Frank: Leo, they deserve a cookie.

Will: Here's Nico coming with a really big cookie.

Thalia: That is huge.

Nico: Here's a cookie. ( : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : )

Everybody: Wow. Well, LATER!

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