The Couples Show!!!!

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Jada: Hello, hello, hello! Today we have the COUPLES SHOW!!!

Thalia: This was suggested by OliviaDiAngelo . Here's a blue cookie. ( : : )

Jada: Because Thalia and I are the only singles here right now, we're the hosts!

Thalia: *monotone* Yay.


Percy and Annabeth: Hi!

Will and Nico: Hello!.

Jason and Piper: Nice to see you again!

Frank and Hazel: Oh, hi!

Leo and Calypso: Hey.

*The game set up is each couple in a pink, heart shaped chair together. A point board is above each chair. The hosts will ask each couple a question, and if they are similar the couple gets a point.*

Thalia: The first question is for Percy and Annabeth. *reads question* The question is, how many kids do you want. You know, I'm not sure I want to know.

Annabeth: Two, I guess.

Percy: Oh, same!

Jada: That's one point for Percy and Annabeth!


Jada: Athena, if you interfere with a ship you get banished.

Athena: That's not tr- *transported to Olympus*

Thalia: You know, it sounded like she could've said tree. *looks off into the distance*

Jada: ANYWHO, our second question is for Will and Nico. Surrogate or adoption?

Nico: Adoption, that way we can help a little kid without a family. *stares off into the distance* HYPOTHETICALLY.

Will: I'd prefer adoption as well, but however we would have a kid, we would love them all the same.

Jada: I never said it specifically pertained to you to, but if that's the way you took it... *fangirls* Anyways, one point.

Thalia: Our third question is for my little bro and Piper. The question is, chocolate or vanilla? Wait, what does this have to do with your coupleness?

Piper: Well, chocolate obviously. Chocolate is the best.

Jason: Actually, I like vanilla.

Piper: What!?

Jada: NO POINTS. MUAHAHA. Sorry I needed some variety. By the way, there are two rounds. You could still... tie.

Thalia: Anyways, next couple.


Frank: Aren't you younger than both of us by now? Definitely if you count in Hazel's "underworld" time.

Jada: SHUSH. Okay, so the question is... What's the best age to get married?

Frank: Whenever you both have loved each other for a while and decide that that's what's best.

Hazel: I don't know, maybe 26 years old?

Jada: I'll give you guys half a point for that.

Thalia: The last couple is Leo and Calypso. The question is... what pet would you want?

Leo: Fest-


Leo: Oh, then probably a dog.

Calypso: I'd like a kitten or a horse. Maybe a bird.

Jada: Zero points, maybe a good compromise would be a fish.

Thalia: That's just the only option that you listed before that they didn't say.

Jada: Whaaaaaat? That's absolutely - true. Anyways, that raps up the first round! Percabeth and Solangelo are tied for the lead!

Crowd: Whoooo! *whispers* Sooolllllaaaannnnnggggeeeeelllllooooooooo!!!

Thalia: Time for the second round! This is actually almost fun.

Jada: Thanks? For Percy and Annabeth, What's your favorite color?

Annabeth: Gray.

Percy: Blue.

Thalia: That doesn't give you any point, but it also has nothing to do with you as a couple.

Jada: I give you the questions as they come to me.

Thalia: That makes a lot of sense, actually.

Jada: Thank you!

Thalia: Not a compliment.

Jada: SECOND QUESTION!! Nico, Will, if you had to go without one for the rest of your life, would you choose your  monster proof laptop or your favorite food?

Will: I don't have a favorite food so much, I love them all. So I would choose to keep my laptop.

Nico: My laptop is my laptop.

Thalia: That makes two points for Nico and Will. That means they've won first place.

Jada: We're playing for second.

Thalia: Okay, next is Jason and Piper, what age do you want to have kids?

Jason: 27, I guess.

Piper: Well, this is kind of random, but 27.

Jada: Wow. One point. Wow. ARE THEY CHEATING?

Thalia: No, they're just that epic.

Everyone Ever: *puts on shades*

Jada: Niiiccccceeee. Next is Hazel and Frank, when should you move in together?

Hazel: After you're married.

Frank: When both people are comfortable with it, preferably after marriage, but it doesn't have to be.

Jada: I'll give half a point for that, too.

Thalia: Last, we have Calypso and Leo. Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter?


Calypso: Camp Half-Blood, I guess.

Jada: I'm personally Camp Jupiter, but you guys get a point anyways.

Thalia: The score is 2 for Will and Nico, and they won. Everybody else got one point.

Jada: YAYYYYY!! That's it for today, before we leave I'd like to tell you that if you want to be in the story. If you were in here in the past, I don't need another description. However, if you're new, I'd like a short description of your personality and your godly parent.

Percabeth: Thank you for reading!!

Frazel: And for writing your own stuff that we love to read!

Solangelo: And for commenting!!!!!!!

Jiper: And for voting!

Caleo: And for being your rainbow sparkly unicorn selves!

Everybody: Later!

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