Look at our pet cat!

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Piper: Hey!

Frank: Today we're going to do a dare.

Hazel: From Ayla!

Ayla: I dare Percy to act/dress like a cat for the rest of the day.

Percy: Mean.

Thalia: What'd you just say?

Gaby: Don't kill my Percy!

Ryan: Your Percy? He belongs to all of us!

demigods_rule55 : NEVER!!!!

Wisegirl756 : Okay, I have dibs on Annabeth!

Annabeth: You're my sister. I think Percy actually already called me.

Calypso: Leo called me.

Leo: Yeah!

Jason: No one called anybody!

Nico: I think it's fun. I call Will!

Jada: *glares at everyone* If anyone touches this ship or any ship you shall die.

Everyone: *oddly quiet*

Will: I call Nico!


Annabeth: Okay, now that that's good.

demigods_rule55 : Which it is.

Wisegirl756 : Now that that's good, we can start the dare.

Percy: I don't want to.

Jada: Well, you have to. Piper! I need my cat outfit!

Piper: Got it! Can I bring Jason with me?

Jason: To help carry stuff?

Gaby: Yeah, just go.

Nico: Can Will and I go?

Will: I think they're on to us. We probably shouldn't.

Hazel: I think they all know already.

Leo: I didn't! I just found out.

Calypso: Yeah right, you talked about it for like half the movie yesterday!

Ryan: Ooooooooh, you just got told.

Thalia: Um, we were walking out to hunt and heard you talking about it too.

Ayla: You're just the same as him.

Frank: Okay than, let's do the dare!


Piper: We're back!

Jason: What happened?

Leo: Nothing much.

Annabeth: Actually we caught the Hephaestus kids fanboying.

Hazel: Remember when we talked about fangirls a while back?

Loyal Readers: Yeah.

Frank: Fanboys are the male version of those.

Thalia: For example, Ryan is a fanboy.

Ryan: And proud of it.

Ayla: *starts clapping* Come on people.

Everyone: *claps*

Nico: Okay, enough of that, where's Percy.

Will: I think we lost him.

Percy: *walks up the hill* What? No, I just went and got a blue donut.

Jada: I WANT ONE!!!

Gaby: I'd like one too.

demigods_rule55 : I want one three.

Wisegirl756 : I didn't understand that, but I want one!

Calypso: We can get one later. Percy, go put on your cat suit.


Percy: Okay, but no making fun. Okay?

Gaby: Sure Percy, sure we won't.

Annabeth: We won't. Will we?

Ryan : If I agree will he put it on?

Thalia: I'm taking that as a yes, so *crosses fingers* we won't.

Jada: Now, put on the cat-fit dude.

Leo: Yeah, shoo, shoo.

Percy: Watch it Valdez.

Jason: Woah, bro. Calmer down.

Piper: The zippers in the back.

Percy: *walks to the changing room*

Ayla: May the odds be ever on your favor!

demigods_rule55 : Hunger Games reference!

Wisegirl756 : Fan hug! *hugs people*

Jada: Yay! I got a hug, a super hug, a super super super super super fangirl hug! And fanboy!

Hazel: Okay than.

Will: We hang out with some pretty weird people, huh.

Nico: Yup.

Calypso: Oh, look he's coming out!


Percy: Meow.

Annabeth: So I guess that's it.

Piper: Before we end, Jada started a new system.

Jason: Whoever asks the question, proposes the dare, etcetera gets a blue cookie.

Calypso: So, for the first time with the system.

Leo: Ayla gets an extra long cookie!

Hazel: ( : : : : )

Frank: There you go! Hoped you enjoyed it!

Thalia: Thanks for reading!

Will: And commenting!

Gaby: And writing your amaZHANG books!

Ryan: And voting!

Nico: Read aylasbooks , CypherIllusion , gabythomas543 , and Jada's books.

Wisegirl756 : To become one of us or to get a shout out just comment for it.

demigods_rule55 : Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Everyone but Percy: Later!

Percy: Meow!

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