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Annabeth: Hello there!

Calypso: Today we are going to have a dare.

CypherIllusion : That dare is...

gabythomas543 : I dare Piper to try steak (trust me it's amaZHANG!) Get the joke? Never mind, forget about it. Only Leo or maybe Frank would think it's funny. And Percy, I'm your sister. I'm the same age as you were when you started your first quest. I'm a descendent of Zeus, Hades, Hephestus, Ares, Athena, and Aphrodite. I inherited powers from all of my godly descended parents. My strongest to least strongest parents and descended parents are Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Athena, Hephestus, Aphrodite, and Ares. I can charm speak and summon fire like Leo and Piper. I'm sorry I didn't talk much to you guys earlier. I just don't like people until I get to know them.

Percy: I already knew that you were my sister Gaby. You know, from when we first introduced you?

gabythomas543 : Oh yeah!

Frank: I think the parents your descended from count pretty much all of is. Except for Will.

Will: I'm unique.

Nico: Very unique. It's why we all love you.

Jada: Oh my goodness! You just said you love Will. *pokes Nico* Will and Nico sitting in a tree K-I-S-

Nico: Don't you dare say one more word or letter from that song, or I will slay you.

CypherIllusion : Sheesh.

Jada: I know, right? I think he needs therapy.

CypherIllusion : I think we all do.

Nico: I can hear you.

Jada: I know that silly!

Hazel: Okay then let's go see how Piper's doing.

Piper: Let me just throw up, then I'll come back to do the dare.

Jason: Okay, but don't try to run. Thalia, can you go with her?

Thalia: Sure bro.

Piper: *walks to her room* I'll be back out in a second!

Thalia: *Starts looking around.* What is with this disgustingness?

Jada: I know right?

Thalia: Why are you here?

Jada: Just making sure she doesn't go missing. I brought aylasbooks with me.

aylasbooks : Hey! Where's Piper?

Thalia: In the bathroom.

aylasbooks : Okay.

Piper: *comes back out* Okay, I guess we have to go.

Group: *goes back to where everyone else is.*

CypherIllusion and Leo: Okay, you're back!

Leo: Jinx!

CypherIllusion : Double Jinx!

Leo: Triple Jinx!

Jada: Quadruple Jinx!

Leo: You're not in this Jinx War!

Piper: *when nobody is looking puts a tofu steak on the table.*

Jason: Are you ready to eat?

gabythomas543 : This is going to be awesome!

aylasbooks : *whispers to gabythomas543 and Jada* We have decided to time you!

Frank: *Pulls out a timer.* Get ready, set, start!

Piper: *gobbles down tofu steak* Done!

Calypso: I can't believe you would eat that so fast!

aylasbooks : It would be normal for a regular person, but you're a vegan!

Piper: I guess I wanted it to be over quickly.

Annabeth: Sure you did, sure.

Thalia: Well, I guess that's it for today!

Solangelo: Please and thank you for commenting!

Percabeth: And voting!

Frazel: And reading!

Jiper: And writing!

Caleo: And being the sparkly unicorns that you are!

Everyone: Later!

Piper: The picture in the media thing is tofu steak.

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