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demigods_rule55 : Hey there!

Gaby: Today we're going to do a dare!

Wisegirl756 : The dare's from Ayla!

Ayla: I dare everyone to wear a dress from the 1900's!

Piper: Cool, I've never worn one of those before!

Jason: Do boys have to do this?

Annabeth: Yeah, you do.

Leo: Why?

Calypso: You just have to.

Ryan: I vote that we just don't do it.

Thalia: Man up you guys! If I have to do it, you do!

Percy: Okay, sheesh, we were just thinking-

Frank: Percy, it's probably best to give it up.

Nico: Can we choose which dress we have to wear?

Will: I guess.

Hazel: Jada, would you please get the dresses?
Jada: Sure, I guess. :( *brings out dresses*


Ayla: Yay! I've never seen a dress like that before!

Piper: I guess we can choose our dresses.

Jada: No! *puts dresses on everyone*

Nico: 1906

Will: 1904

Jason: 1909

Thalia: 1909

Annabeth: 1905

Leo: 1900

Percy: 1909

Calypso: 1901

Frank: 1902

Hazel: 1901

demigods_rule55 : 1904

Wisegirl756 : 1905

Gaby: 1907

Ryan: 1903

Piper: 1908

Ayla: 1907

Jada: 1905

Huntresses: Look at the dresses up in the media to see the year!

Annabeth, Wisegirl756 , and Jada: Thank you for reading!

Percy, Gaby, Ayla, and demigods_rule55 : And commenting!

Leo and Ryan: And writing the amaZHANG books you write!

Hazel and Nico: And voting!

Will: Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorn you are!

Thalia and Jason: Please read gabythomas543 's books!

Piper: And Jada's books!

Calypso: For a shout out like this please just ask in the comments!

Frank: Oh, and, just to reestablish, Jada, Wisegirl756 , Gaby, Ayla, demigods_rule55 , and Ryan are all real people.

Random voice: And the rest of 'em are made by Rick Riordan!

Everybody: Later!

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