I cannot believe this. (Real life emergency in the form of Demigod Stuff)

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Nico: Welcome to a grim update.

Will: Why are you being depressing again?

Jason: No, it's real.

Piper: What's wrong?

Percy: Nico, Grace, Valdez, Ryan, and I, we, well-

Ryan: Let's sit down.

Thalia: Get on with it!

Leo: Our author is going to stop writing.

Annabeth: Jada, what's he talking about?

Jada: As much as I love you guys, I haven't really had anything that I was inspired by so far.

Gaby: And I quit WattPad.

Calypso: No you didn't! We all know you couldn't live without WattPad!

demigods_rule55 : Although it would explain why she hasn't been POSTING!

Ayla: That's true. Let's see, Gaby if you don't post on WattPad we'll stop giving you shout outs AND blue cookies.

Wisegirl756 : Okay, that should take care of that. Back to the subject at hand.

Hazel: Wait! How about we make a holiday and celebrate that so that we don't get lonely.

Frank: Yeah! Let's call it-



Gaby: I was making a-

Jada: Awful joke!

Wisegirl756 : But awful would make it an 'an'.

Annabeth: Maybe she just got cut off.

Leo: Can we please stop beating around the bush?

Thalia: For once in his life Valdez was right.

Calypso: He chose me.

Piper: Okay, second time.

Percy: Why would you stop posting?

Ayla: She just said it a while ago.

Jason: I think we were to busy getting crushed over the fact I'm not going to talk anymore!

Nico: I was listening.

Will: I was too, but hey, Nico, it's time to go to that thing. Don't you think?

Frank: Okay, you two lovebirds be careful!

Hazel: I'm sure it's legitimate.

demigods_rule55 : Uh, hum.

Ryan: Suuuurrree.


Jada: Ummmm, anyways, so, good bye guys. :( :( :( :( :( </3<\3<\3<\3 :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :'(

APRIL FOOLS!!!! You people guessed it didn't you? Please comment, vote, follow, etc. if you can. Also...

Follow: CypherIllusion , aylasbooks , gabythomas543 (Of she ever shows up), and ME of course. Have a nice day you rainbow sparkly unicorns! Later!

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