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Leo: Hey! Today we're going to do a dare from Ayla!

Frank: The dare is...

Ayla: I dare us all to have a prank war! Oh yeah, and I get Travis from the Hermes cabin!

Jada: I get Connor!

demigods_rule55 : No fair!

Annabeth: This is going to take a while.

Will: Do we get to choose teams?

Percy: We could be on our cabin's teams.

Gaby: Ha! That means no Connor or Travis!

Wisegirl756 : Sounds good enough.

Piper: What about the cabins with only one representative?

Calypso: We can join together.

Hazel: Are you excited Nico?

Nico: Sure.

Thalia: Would I be with the Artemis cabin or the Zeus cabin?

Jason: Let's go with Zeus, I don't wanna be alone.

Ryan: Okay, Leo we are going to win!


Leo: Got that right!

Frank: How,about we each get 10 min. with our group before the pranks start?

Ayla: Sounds fair enough.

Gaby: Okay than, let's go.


RANDOM VOICE: First off, we need to know who to target. Each cabin needs to bring a representative to pull out another cabin.

Athena Cabin: We got Poseidon Cabin!

Poseidon Cabin: We got the Mixed Cabin!

Mixed Cabin: We got the Hades cabin!

Hades Cabin: We got the Zeus cabin!

Zeus Cabin: We got the Hephaestus Cabin!

Hephaestus Cabin: And we got the Athena Cabin!

RANDOM VOICE: You may begin! Each cabin may only do one prank. Make sure it's a good one.

Piper: Okay, so I was thinking that we could spray paint the Hades cabin while they're pranking someone else.

Calypso: What color?

Frank: The worst color of all.

Will: So, black?

Piper: Pink!

Calypso: Oooh.

Frank: Okay, let's go!

People: *pulls prank*

RANDOM VOICE: You receive a 5/10!



Hazel: Okay, so for the Zeus cabin I was thinking we could do something after I trap them.

Nico: After you trap them I'll send them underground.

People: *pulls prank*

RANDOM VOICE: You get a 8/10!



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