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Jason: Hey, guys!

Piper: We're sorry it's been so long!

Leo: But come on, who wishes that they put WattPad the way it was before?

Everyone: Yeah...

Calypso: Anyways, we have two more people today!

Hazel: We have my friend Dragonfighter234 , son of Hecate!

Will: And my little sis, DisneyPJO ! Apollo in the house!

Nico: Seriously?

Dragonfighter234 : Great to be here!

DisneyPJO : *singing* Look for the bare necessities, my friends!

Gaby : Why did you quote-

Jada: Oh my goodness, you quoted the Jungle Book! That is my favorite!

Annabeth: Really? My favorite is Beauty and the Beast.

Thalia: It doesn't really matter. Anyways, let's get on with the dare.

Percy: It's from demigods_rule55 !

demigods_rule55 : I dare Jason to go to Atlantis and pretend to be Percy. Don't worry, we'll use our fan powers to keep him from dying or getting seriously injured.

Ryan: We can do it!

Frank: So, how are we going to get him down there?

Ayla : All of us Poseidon kids could send him down together in a bubble.

Wisegirl756 : And push him down with water!


Jason: Okay, send me down guys!

demigods_rule55 : Hold it, now! It's not as simple as that!

Percy: How is it not that simple?

Ayla : Yeah, Percy can make the bubble while I push the water, you navigate, and Gaby can help you navigate.

Gaby: Sounds like a plan, I guess.

Jada: What the Tartarus? We are the plan people!

Wisegirl756 : I did help a little bit.

Annabeth: We are going to have some problems with this.

DisneyPJO : But.. But.. *starts singing* I'm feeling good! Hey, hey, now!

Nico: Is she going to do this all the time?

Will: You'll get used to it!

Thalia: You better be only talking about him, or I'll-

Piper: Hey there! Let's get on with it, please?

Dragonfighter234 : *whispers* Calypso, Piper, do you want me to help her be calm? *performs spell before anyone says anything*

Calypso: *sarcastically* Sure, try.

Leo: *whispers* Whatcha talkin' about?

Ryan: Hey guys!

Hazel: Why are you all over there?

Frank: Come join us for the send off!

Piper: Let's go, guys!


Will: *starts humming the Imperial March*

DisneyPJO : No, no, no. *starts humming 22 by Taylor Swift*

Percy: *creates a bubble around Jason*

Jason: *jumps into the water*

Ayla: *pushes Jason down with water*

demigods_rule55 : Keep moving north, east!

Gaby: This is pretty much all I'll be able to do, isn't it?

Dragonfighter234 : We're still kind of angry with you.

Jada: You deserve it. You need to care about Percy.

Annabeth: What?

Wisegirl756 : It's okay, just mortal world stuff.

Ryan: Anyways...

Leo: I see him!

Piper: There he goes again!

Hazel: Don't worry he'll be safe!

Thalia: Gaby, go look out for Jason.

Frank: Please.

Nico: And back to Jason!

Everyone: What?

Ghost: *walks out of Nico*



Jason: This is kind if fun! Oh, wait. There it is.

Atlantis: *shines*

Jason: *is put towards the gates*

Poseidon: *angrily* Hello?

Jason: Hello, my name is Percy Jackson.

Poseidon: Liar! *tries to drown Jason*

Jason: *is magically transported to land*



Zeus's kids: Okay guys!

Athena's kids: Thank you for reading!

Poseidon's kids: And commenting!

Apollo's kids: And writing your own books!

Mars's kid: And your FanFictions!

Aphrodite's kid: And for voting!

Hephaestus's kids: Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Hade's kids: Please read and follow CypherIllusion , aylasbooks , gabythomas543 , Dragonfighter234 , DisneyPJO , demigods_rule55 , Wisegirl756 , and Jada!

Hecate's kid: We all get three blue cookies, but demigods_rule55 gets five blue cookies while DisneyPJO and I get four.

Everyone: Later!

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