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Eva's POV

We all sat in a lavishly designed auditorium facing a stage, where the business heads were seated behind the long table.

I sat with my PA Janet and set my vision ahead on the respected men sitting on stage While my nervousness rushed at it's peak and increasing in every passing second .

Sitting here on my seat I again, like a normal person, roughly scrolled my eyes across the huge auditorium, as it was filled with so many esteemed heads sitting all around. But to my surprised, I once again spot the same guy seated a little far from my seat and was looking back straight at me, like the way he did earlier outside. The moment I looked at him he smirked naughtily and winked at me leaving my eyes go broad.

I cannot explain how much he was annoying me by staring at me like a sick man. The way his eyes were stuck on me, as if there was nobody else in this room other than me. Every time I saw him, I felt more weirder of him.

Yeah, he was cute, charming, handsome and loaded with all his good looks, but little did he knew that these things doesn't really work on Eva Blue. The more he was trying to grab my attention, the more I was getting annoyed. He looked ahead for some milli seconds than again looked back at me like the real show was being displayed right on my face, and this is what he kept doing on repeat. Being pissed, I rubbed the edge of my temple with the tip my fingers and shot him my nasty glare, gritting my teeth. The moment our eyes met, I looked elsewhere to avoid his gaze, when suddenly the loud voice of the spokesperson speaking through the mic drew all of our attention to him.

"Here comes the time for what we were all waiting for so long." I murmured to myself. I gripped both my palms together and pressed them hard feeling excited and nervous at the same time.
The men started to speak and went on with the introduction of this project and everything about it . Everybody attentively looked and listened to him.

From the corner of my eyes, I clearly noticed that the same dimwit kept on stealing glances at me every now and then, like he had no interest in what he really came for. I tried hard to ignore him, but again I finally failed to stop myself from giving him my pissed off expressions on my face because of his stupid teenage act.

I also spotted the blondie too, who was sitting along with an aged man- who was probably her father and was located a little away from that guy. I noticed that Blondie too kept on checking on this fellow every now and then, sitting across the room and had her eyes fixed on him.

The man speaking over the mic was not ready to keep his speech and explanation of the project any shorter, which made me murmur losing my patience.
" Why don't you just announce it already."

After a while, soon the time came when he was about to announce the winner of the project, and the entire auditorium went dead silent. Each and every eyes was set on that man who was about to announce the same.

My heart drummed in a slow motion while every moment was feeling like a dagger, which was about to get thrusted into my chest.

" I hereby announce the lucky winner of the project........," " And the lucky name of that company is....." "PHOENIX LTD !!!!......" He yelled aloud.

Hearing this I was shocked and paralyzed with happiness, while every corner of this humongous hall was filled with a round of applause. I didn't know how to react to it as my eyes broadened and my mouth remained a gap for a while. I looked at Janet beside me who had the same reaction like mine but more shaky than me.

" Oh my God!! I can't believe it !!" I squeaked happily to Janet but more to myself and hugged her being seated.

"Congratulations, Ms. Blue. I'm so happy." Said Janet in her excited and cheerful voice.

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