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I walked along with him gently holding the glass on my left hand and feeling the warmth of his palm on my back

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I walked along with him gently holding the glass on my left hand and feeling the warmth of his palm on my back. We floated though this maze of huge masked crowd where Some stood with drinks in their hands, chatting and giggling with each other while some classy females just kept gazing and scowling around, muttering something to their spouse with their faces extra heavy with fake pride and attitude.

As most of the guests were in their masks but I couldn't fail to notice that Zack had invited all the most high profiled people and biggies of this town. I even noticed the presence of few famous celebs in here, who has obviously become the centre of attraction, especially for most of the ladies.

I walked gracefully, roughly checking everywhere but somewhere deep inside I was shaking while taking my steps ahead.

I saw a bunch of few young women, probably of my age glaring hard at me from top bottom, when Zack and I walked passing them by. It was hard for me to calculate whether they were J of me or were pissed gulping the view of my love, placing his has hand at the little of my back, and not even taking a slightest glance at the their direction. Feeling Zack's zero interest on them and thousand percent interest in me, a shade of smile lifted up the corners of my wine red lips.

As we walked in our slow pace, not rushing to his desired destination, my heart banged in my ribcage with a feeling of tremendous nervousness creeping inside me. Only one thing kept hammering my mind that however it is, I have to tell the L world to him tonight. And tonight it's my responsibility to bring up those words that I have in my mind for him.

Inspite of me being surrounded with the people wearing colorful costumes and their intriguing masks stuck on their faces, but still all these collectively failed to divert me from the storm of tensions knotting in my stomach.

Yap, Right. It's just three simple words which I should've just spoken without even a tinch of hassle, but what I'm going through right now is unexplainable. All I can say that I'm kinda experiencing my fifth grade again, when my name was called for a recitation exam and I thought if I could just magically get over with it, without going through the pain of exam. Right now, I'm feeling the same in this case too but the recently evolved love for him was nudging me to spill it now.

Sighing a deep breath out, I thought internally while my eyes dotted and every place thinking about it.
" I'm going to do it now. Yes !! Yes, I shouldn't delay it."  Cold sweat of nervousness coated me from top to button while struggle suffocated me in my mind.

As I walked beside him, I firmed my internal determination bringing it to it's peak, boasting my confidence which I had somehow managed to build inside me. And I all of a sudden, I halted on my way and touched Zack's bicep, also making him stop bringing him to sharply looking at me.

"Uhh... Zack ..... Umm... before we go ahead......." " I - uh- - I would, like to tell, you some - something." I stammered nodding at him, holding tightly onto my confidence.

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