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" What is it, doc ??! What does the report say  ??!" I asked with my terror filled nervous voice, looking at the mid aged, Female Doctor without blinking my lashes. My heart raced in the top most speed almost cracking my ribs while she scrolled her eyes over the peice of papers she held gently in front of her.

" The report's Negative " she spoke in her calm tone , smiling a little.
Its not that, that I didn't knew the meaning of 'Negative' in this case but still I wanted to be extra sure about it.

" It means... ??" I trailed rising my brows to my hairline, posing a huge question mark on my face, as I wanted to hear it in loud and clear.

" What I mean is, You're not pregnant. There's no trace of fetus in your womb." She replied enlightening me about  the subject, explaining a little.

Is she sure ?? I want to hear it again. I thought as I still had a doubt and wanted to be hundred percent sure.

" Please don't mind me asking again, but, Are you sure ??" I asked politely being still skeptical about what I just heard.

" Yes Ms. Blue , I'm 100 % sure. You're not pregnant" she confirmed firmly.

Phew !! .....THANK GOD !!. THANK GOD !!. Thousands of bullet dodged safely. I thought breathing an air of relief which I was holding up for so long.
After hearing this news of my Zero Pregnancy, I felt so light and stress free that I just had a sudden urge to dive at the Doctor, crushing her with a tight hug, but I easily controlled my over joyed emotion as I was never really a hugger.

" Thank you so much." I chirped smiling broad which she received and returned me with the same.

Before I could get up from my seat , I quickly wrapped my head and neck with a maroon coloured stole and slided a thick black broad sunglass over my eyes to hide my face and avoid any further chaos in my life which has currently become a circus after meeting him.

Instead of currently focusing on my project I'm sneaking here to consulting a gyno for a pregnancy test, and hiding myself like a criminal. And all of this, just because of that basterd.

I stood up and moved out of her clinic directly towards my car to drive myself to my office as I didnot bring my driver to maintain the secrecy of this thing.

I was terribly shaken after when the 'curse of my life', threw a massive  'Are you Pregnant ?' named Asteroid on me . It was like several tsunamis of rocks hitting me all together at once. As if someone just snatched the peice of land from right beneath my feet . So , after coming from that chatity event, and without wasting any more time, I secretly set an appointment with the doctor .

To keep Sarah away from the insanity juggling in my life, I hid myself in the bathroom and spoke to the Doctor's receptionist, like I was a dealing billion dollars of drugs with a Mafia Lord.

I'm in the middle of accomplishing my long awaited dream and I cannot just be a MOTHER all of a sudden, and sing lullabies and change diapers of mini Zack. For the matter of fact, I don't need one more Zack in my life, as the original one is already screwing the peace out of me.

I can't even imagine how ladies deal with their monsters in little packets....Ufff ( eyes wide, shaking head)

Thank you God so much for such a huge mercy you have bestowed upon me.

Becoming mother is not a silly joke, and ME becoming a mother, Will be like a human give birth to an alien's baby from another galaxy.

From now onwards I'll be  thousands mile away from that mentally retarded man. I thought furiously but than realised that I am doing possibly everything to stay far away from him.

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