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Its has already been 15 minutes since I'm awake and instead of heading towards my washroom, I'm just busy staring at Eva who is sleeping beside me, breathing in and out with her eyes closed.
How can I take my eyes off from 'the dream of my life' who is sleeping like a baby in my bed??

I just wanted to closely learn every detail of her face by heart, so that I remember it even in my next life, If there is any concept of that .

The silk sheet of my bed was the only thing covering her clothe less body. It was only carelessly covering her breast which visibly failed to hide the deep arc of her cleavage, while her left leg was out,
exposing itself right from her thighs and was resting over mine. Our tangled body generated a comfortable heat which assured me with the feeling that she was only mine.

The creamy skin of her arms glowed due to the morning light peeking through the window's curtain of my room. Her hand was loosely resting around my waist and my hand at her back, my fingers tips gently caressing her skin.

Even in her sleep her face narrated that how repose and complete she felt last night. I know my girl in not a very expressive person when it come to verbally narrating her affection. But last night the way she wanted me and begged for me, I clearly caught what she really felt for me. Coz Eva Blue I know, will never willingly surrender her body to someone whom she have no trust in. And this itself told me that I was the one who was in her heart and in her every breath. I felt it all over me, oozing straight from her heart.

I very well know that it's pretty late in the morning, probably around ten or more, and there are millions of people waiting for us. But despite of all I'm laying in the bed, coz at any cost I just don't wish to be apart from her. I just didn't wanted to miss this chance to watch my life sleeping peacefully beside me.

Internally I had a very strong urge to wake her up and talk to her all day, but I choose to let her take some rest as she really needed this after our whole night rendezvous. And it had swallowed all our energy resulting making us fall asleep very very late at night.
I was just thinking about it when I saw Eva slowly moving her head against her pillow, with her eyes closed. And than her eyelids sluggishly opened letting her look right at me as mine were already levelling her's. The moment they met mine, her cheeks puffed up while her lips stretched wide lazily giving a hot yet cute smile, for which I'll always die for. This whole thing felt like I was watching her wake up and smile in a slow mo.

"Good morning, beautiful." I wished her twining her smile, now shifting myself to snuggle even more closer to her. At the same time I felt her palm slowly rubbing my back while I too gently did the same.

"Good morning to you too, my love." She wished softly, words coming out lazily.

"Still tired much??" I asked after a pause looking at her baby blue eyes.

" Yeah an hour more sleep would have sufficed, but I think we should get up now." She spoke slowly in her drowsy voice.

Withdrawing my arm from her back, I turned to lie on my belly and rested my torso on my elbows.
" So??, how was your night??" I asked her being curious to know what she thought of whole thing.

"You tell me ??" She asked gliding her finger tips up and down on my bare shoulder.

"For me ??, it was right out of my dreams. Nope. Actually it was way more than I've always dreamt of. " I said and affectionately rubbed my nose on her cheek.

"Mmm- hmm, and which got a little more extended coz you won't stop." She joked and I felt her smile on her voice.

Hearing this I moved my head back looking right at her.
" Okay now!! How It's falling on me when someone kept pleading and begging for more ??"

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