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" Is anybody in??" I yelled knocking a few times, on the dark door of this half crooked cottage; while Eva eyed everything around her which was coated in the black shades of night

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" Is anybody in??" I yelled knocking a few times, on the dark door of this half crooked cottage; while Eva eyed everything around her which was coated in the black shades of night. But thanks to my flashlight, I was able to provide a little light, Standing on the small porch in front of this door.

Sure this cottage looked old and far from maintenance but the freshly bloom flowers in the front, well maintained garden; some gardening tools laying just below it and the bulb hanging up above our heads clearly screamed that someone really stays ...

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Sure this cottage looked old and far from maintenance but the freshly bloom flowers in the front, well maintained garden; some gardening tools laying just below it and the bulb hanging up above our heads clearly screamed that someone really stays here. But right now that person is lost deep into his dreams or must've gone somewhere out, as this entire house was out of light and had no sign of any movements inside.

Knocking a few more times on the wall of this old wooden door, still there was no answer while Eva clung to my hand even more tighter then she was holding me when those bikers we're trying to pull her out of my car.

" I don't think there's any one in there??" " Let's go." Said Eva probably literally praying for this door to not open as she was damn sure that there's something or someone disturbing on the other side of the door, which is according to her surely gonna match those horror movies.

"Yeah, it looks like there is no one there, but see - it clearly means that someone really stays here." I said once again focusing my flashlight on those proves which I happened to notice

If nobody is in there than we can break in , ofcourse not by choice or steal something but to have a cozy shelter for some time . I thought but than the promise just made to Eva cancelled my idea to break in.

" Yep, I'm getting that too but I Hope you remember the promise you made a few minutes ago, remember?? " she reminded me my made promise.

" Of course. Don't worry I'm not going to break in."

" Hmm " Eva hummed and we both turn back and stepped down from the porch of this cottage when I spoke.

" Fine, no breaking in as promised, but this bring us to an only option to us. And that is, this is the safest place we can find tonight and we are gonna be here till morning."

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