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"It was an immense pleasure to meet you, Mr. Reynolds. And finally speak to you in person." I said to my very important guest while standing near my reception counter.

Mr. Reynolds is an Italy based businessman with whome I'm soon going to Sign a very significant collaboration, which will take my company's name to the next level of success. My dad would have always wanted this. We just had our first meeting after overcoming many obstructions and he was on the way to the exit of my officer's floor.

 We just had our first meeting after overcoming many obstructions and he was on the way to the exit of my officer's floor

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" The feeling is mutual, Mr. Westwood. I was eager to meet you too. Who wouldn't want to have a tie up with such an impressive company." He said halting near the elevator along with his PA and an other employee.

As I came along to see him off as a courtesy gesture, my cell phone ringed in my pocket, pulling not only my but everyone's attention to it but instead of picking up the phone I the draw it from my pocket and slide it to cut the call without glancing the name on the screen and again try to listen what my good guest was telling.

" I have my hands on Italy but This is the first time I'm going to sign a deal here in America. And ofcourse any businessman like me would always wanna have a tie up with the leading business person like you and your company." He said wearing a small smile.

" It's gonna be a wonderful collaboration I'm really looking forward to it." I nodded.
Once again my phone rang, playing my ringtone and distracting everyone around. I once again pull it out off my pocket to cut the call and this time I glanced at the screen of my cell phone to find my chicken head friend, Sarah's name flashing on the screen.

Is her ass is on fire for calling me like a despo. I thought to myself.

To shut the ringtone music I put it on a temporary silent but she called me again. I wasn't able to pick it up right now as it would look improper to stop the conversation in the middle between Mr. Reynolds and me.

Once again I started to speak to him but again I got interrupted in the middle by the same which made me uncomfortable and embarrassed in front of my client .
Watching me again and again cutting the call while also getting distracted by the same, Mr. Reynolds insisted me to take it but I denied as it looked highly improper while we are in the middle of our conversation, but my guest being a humble person once again insisted me to pick up the call. Feeling awkward I excused myself and walk a little bit far from him and asked Vijay to take care of him and keep him busy.

Picking up the call I ask Sarah in my hushed voice, maintaining my cool.
" What is it Sarah??, I'm in the middle of something"

" What is it Sarah??, I'm in the middle of something"

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