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Author's POV

Rossette wearing her silver heeled sandals and her emerald green one piece dress, stepped down from the broad marble stairs of her house to find her father sitting on a sofa of their huge living room

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Rossette wearing her silver heeled sandals and her emerald green one piece dress, stepped down from the broad marble stairs of her house to find her father sitting on a sofa of their huge living room.

Hurriedly Setting her course straight towards the exit of the house, she halted in front of her father, by the large cream coloured sofa and announced.

"Dad. I'm gonna be a little late for the office. So kindly please handle the morning meetings until I come. I've to be at the Tea party arranged at my friends place." She spoke as fast as she could, as she didn'twanted to waste her time getting into an unnecessary conversation with her father when she was running late to meet up her friends. And the moment  she was done informing, she started to hustle away but before she could  go any further.

" I have not made you the CEO of Anderson's & co for this." Mr. Anderson spoke in his heavy aged voice. His face still hiding behind those large papers while his tone reflected displeasure. "You have be responsible towards your company."  Hearing this, his only daughter instantly snapped knitting her brows also showing her displeasure.

" I am Dad, and I'm just asking you to pay a visit to the office for a little while until I'm back. That's it . I'll be back soon. I promise."

"A Promise??, you've consecutively failed to keep up your "so called" Promises ever since the day one you've joined the company. " he added. His face still hidden behind the papers.

"Anyway, see you later dad." Rolling her eyes she dismissed the topic. Ignoring her father's words, Rosette quickly tried to whoosh out of her house but before she could get away her father's voice held her back again.

" I heard that you'd burned a brand new shoes of a girl . Standing right under the roof of the shoes store." Said Mr.Anderson, now calmly folding his news portal in his hands and keeping it aside.

Sighing she paused for a moment and she spoke turning to face her father.
"I really liked those shoes dad, but before I could've layed my hands on it, that girl already picked it for herself. At first I asked her to hand them to me but she didn't. I also offered her money, double the prize of those shoes. Still she didn't bend. And You know me dad. I had to do what I do best." She said as if she did nothing but only brought justice to the matter.

" You're so much like me." He muttered to himself shaking his head and spoke again
" ... but I need you to climb down from your illogical parties and your expensive shoppings, and set your full concentration on Zack. He should be your main target. You know how important he is to our company, and here your burried in your own fantasy land with no sign of creases on your carefree face. you know very well that our company's suffering from too much crisis, only it's not been shown out in our faces that doesn't mean that we are absolutely doing good. To regain our strength back we have to crawl up to Westwood's shoulders, and for that, you must have your hands on Zack so that he marries you and my long awaited goal is done"

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