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""Good morning Ms

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""Good morning Ms. Blue " wished a male voice passing by the lounge while I and Janet sat waiting in the board raven coloured sofa. The final meeting was to start by sharp 10 and we reached here ten minutes early with every significant and insignificant things to be needed in this meeting, which was taken cared by my PA, Janet.

Hearing the voice I instantly jolted my head at the source of the voice, to find Mr. Brooke hustling his way towards the interior of this office.
"Good morning, Mr. Brooke." I wished him back displaying a small smile.

Last time the entire 'winner announcement ceremony' was well arranged in the huge auditorium, because that time the participants were more in number but this time, as it was between only two companies to break up the wretched tie, so the heads have decided to conduct it at Mr. Sherman's magnificent and spacious office which is not too far from mine.

" I have to hurry in. You see, last night, my fun time went a little while long, ha ha. " he laughed about it and was just about to walk in further when he halted on his spot again
" Uh - I see you are here but I can't see Mr. Westwood, where is he??" He asked a question which absolutely sounded innocent, and had no hint of mockery.

'Mr. WESTWOOD'.  The name itself was enough to pass a sharp current of  hatred  from my head to toe, and also does well to toss my sanity. By just hearing his name, all the scattered scenes of that ugly night flash played in front of my orbs, which made me curl in my fingers tight to firm a solid fist, almost cutting my palms with my nails which happens when I'm too angry.  But still however I kept my surface calm and composed, not showing away that his name effects me this way.

" Uh-  uh. I don't --. " I shook my head with a clueless smile as I didn't know what to say on it. Thankfully Without giving much importance to my hesitant reply Mr. Brooke continued
" Fine. As you're here on time , it'll be wise to start with you. Once we're settled in, we'll send a word, than you shall join us there. Okay ?? "  He instructed keeping his tone business but polite.

" Great! " I agreed with a formal smile on my face while giving him a nod.

" Best of luck to you ." He wished me being a good man and promptly marched in.

I must say, I was very glad to sense Mr. Brooke's non judgemental approach towards me. Honestly, I don't know how others are going to be with me in the conference room, but it was really nice and positive to receive Mr. Brooks's warm approach towards me, especially after whatever he and others saw in that party.

I just hope all goes well. I thought looking at the same empty spot, where Mr. Brooke was standing a second ago.

Time allotted to be here was 10 am but now it got delayed by ten minutes and I'm waiting for more than 20 mins for reaching here early. But somewhere, in the back of my mind, Mr. Brooke's question was knocking in my head too. It seem, not only Mr.Brooke, but I too was forced to wonder that why no one from Westwood Corporation was here by now yet?? .....Or  .....  Mr. Zack Westwood has gone so overconfident after screwing his strong competitor, that he is now all relaxed by the thought that he'll win for sure. But anyway, his late arrival is just good for me, as I do not wish to see his shit face again.  ( jerking my head in sheer annoyance.)

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