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It was not even a second,
Sarah just stormed out of here after grating her lill sister with her sharp words, while I stood silently feeling sorry about the whole drama.

Standing beside the sofa and our unfinished pies, I had my distressful orbs set elsewhere but from the corner of my peripheral vision , I noticed Eva's eyes rested elsewhere, not looking anything in particular with her lips tight shut, while she stood numb like a statue as if there was no existence of life in there.

She was aware about my presence but she surprisingly didn't leash out on me or anything. She just remained still as her present state only spoke of plain silence.

She realised that her elder sis had just bitterly walked out off her face being all displeased and depressed by her taken actions. The sister who had always raised her head a little extra high due to the pride she felt of her younger sister .
Like Sarah, probably I should have also walked off already, leaving Eva behind, all alone in here. But I don't know why, my feet froze on the ground like they were glued here. Inspite of facing her repeative heat and insults, I just couldn't deny the fact that I still really cared for her.

Even after all this , I just wanted to wordlessly be by her side but I knew that I'm the last - No, I'm absolutely not the person whome she wants by her side, and what she just said to me in her heated moment did a number on me.
Her continuous attempts to shove me away from her has now recently started to affect me, and the tiny flickering lamp of hope within me. Like I've decided earlier, I'll move out of this house as soon as possible and leave her alone for good and this was the thing which I wanted to tell it to Sarah tonight, but I suppose it's just not the correct time to do so as I should leave both the Blue sisters alone as of now.

Thinking about it I sighed and slowly made my way towards my room.


Next day

Last night I guess we all three went to our beds with our hurtful heavy hearts and neither of us must have had a sound, peaceful sleep. In my case I didn't.
It was a long day in the office as attending meetings just sucked out every last ounce of my strength.
While returning back from my office an uncomfortable, sad feeling weighed over my heart which never happened before, as the awful memory of both the Blue sister's tiff played in the back of my head.

Having no other option I had to return to the Blue's residence as I cannot go to my own, and the reason is Sarah. My good hearted friend will be really hurt if I choose to go to my residence which I never wanna wish upon her.

Because I hadn't got a chance to speak to Sarah about my thoughts the last night as well as in the morning, I have strongly made my mind to speak to her right now as in the evening time we are both gonna be quite free.

Silently entering the main door of the house, I found the entire living room vacant except for the kitchen , as Eva stood leaning her butt at the edge of the kitchen cabinet and was looking at the oven with her folded hands as she must have been waiting for something to get cooked. Inspite of being in home she was in her office top and her pencil skirt. Due to her back facing to me and due to my quite entrance inside the house, she didn't realize that somebody entered in. To the matter of fact, I too didn't wanted to let her sense that I was home as it would only make her more annoyed.

As Eva was never in the talking terms with me, I soundlessly walked towards my room. Getting myself freshened up I texted Sarah wheather if she was at home. I knew that very well, that Sarah is at home only but I didn't wanted to go wander around the whole house to find my friend, because honestly I didn't wanted to have another encounter with Eva who has happened to come early today from her office.

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