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One month ago.

"One Martini please ." I ordered a drink to a bartender wearing his black silk shirt. With a nod he started to prepare the drink while I waited for it. I looked around to check out the club and the crowd when I spotted a hot chick in her tight purple dress, with her lustful eyes, scanning me from the other side of the bar table .

"Ya, I know am hot but sorry miss. I'm a one woman man and already engaged with my sweetheart in my imagination." I internally muttered to myself as if speaking to that girl.

Uninterested, I casually brought my cell phone out and started to check my social media accounts to avoid her inviting gestures. But it was not long when my attention was pulled by some distant shoutings and warnings of some girls, not too far from me.

I turned myself to check the source of commotion. It was some bunch of girls standing together facing a very muscular guy. They all had an almost same tall, skinny frames. Not sure, but Their features clearly hinted them to be models or something.

They all stood together in a very tensed up position backing up one of their ginger haired friend by warning the drunk beefed up man to leave them alone, and who was holding her by her wrist and was forcibly trying to drag her with him.

The ginger haired girl was visibly uncomfortable and tried hard to wriggle off his grip but her little strength failed infront of that huge man.

Suddenly another black jacket, tall framed girl appeared in the scene looking highly confused about what's going on. She had a short blackish blonde ombre hair with a funky looking boyish haircut in which only few locks of her front section waved stylishly at the side of her face, touching her chin. Her Fox like smoked up eyes which looked to be familiar to some one I knew closely and hates me to her gut.

The hairstyle.👇

Parting the big man's hold from her friends wrist, she fiercely stepped in between of her victim friend and the man and spat a warning to him which went uneffected to his boozed up brain

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Parting the big man's hold from her friends wrist, she fiercely stepped in between of her victim friend and the man and spat a warning to him which went uneffected to his boozed up brain.

As the man was not ready to quit his stubborn ass, she now took charge and furiously pushed his mountainous chest so that he's away from her friend, as she looked very protective about the victim girl.

It was clear that the short haired girl used her full capacity to push him as far as possible, but the man only moved a step back and that too only because he was drunk. Being pushed by a girl, the big guy, who was already out of his sense, also pushed this short haired girl away which made her stumbled back upon her other friends who were still standing together watching everything with anxiety in their eyes.

All the other audiences in that section of the club was watching like it was non of their fuc*** business. But here, I was losing my cool to see all this. I called the bartender and asked him to call the bouncers right now, and without making any delay I marathoned my steps towards them. Reaching there, I stood right in between the short haired girl and this man, calmly asking the man to back off from the girls.

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