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Eva's POV

After a short but a satisfying nap I woke up by four in the evening and gradually got drowned myself working on my laptop, but suddenly my peace was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"I hate interruptions when I work." I thought groaning in irritation and got down from my bed, reaching the door .

" Who's that ??" I asked before opening the door.

"It's me honey, Em." She answered from the other side of the door.

Hearing her name I face slapped myself wearing a bitter expression on my face. I was feeling so foolish to tell her my room number, but I really didn't expected her to come here to pay me a visiting.

Unwillingly I opened the door.
" Aunty Emma." I greeted her plastering my tight smile.

" I told you, just call me Em. I am too young to be called aunty." she said waving her hand and entering in lazily.

" Eeeeyah " I said knitting my brows, remembering her instruction.
"By the way, what were you doing??" she queried looking at my bed where my laptop was on.

" Oh!! I was working. There's a hell lot of work pending so was checking on them."

"What ? You were working ??" she broadened her eyes being shocked and continued

" Poor girl . you are alone and bored, and I guess you don't have any fun plans too ." she spoke with pity in her tone as if I was in my worst state.

" I am here for business purpose only ." I clarified and internally prayed her to leave me alone.

" You sound so bore. It's an evening time and you should be having some fun. You my child, seriously need a break. Now com on . come with me"

" WHERE ??!!" I asked being tensed.

" To party with us. Don't worry we aren't going anywhere out . it's in the hotel itself, no need to go out or something. Just chill. " she spoke in her relaxing tone.

" What ?? no no ... Aunty Emma. I mean Em."
"There is too much work lined up for me and that has to be done today itself you see I am not in my office an....." I spoke in one breath but before I could finish my sentence she cut me in the middle.

" N n no no. I am not going to listen anything " she shook her head vigorously raising her hands in the air.

" ... ah... I mean I'm.. I'm not a party person and I have a hell lot of work pending. Please try and understand." I again tried to explain her .

" NO . I am here and I will not let you rot in a hotel room like this . For what ?? Work ?? which can be surely done tomorrow."

" No - but - " I tried again but she shushed me forwarding her finger.

" EM. please"

" NO. You are Coming with me and that's it ." and with that she held my hand and dragged me out of my room without listening or understanding a single word of mine.


The exactly same thing happened which I feared the most. I was forcefully drag to the Hotel club and was right now sitting on a black colour sofa, accompanied by the ladies who were way more than my age. They all were wearing dresses which were not really meant for the ladies of this age.

 They all were wearing dresses which were not really meant for the ladies of this age

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