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Author's POV

They say love is not easy and yes it was not, for Zack, and this time also for Eva after realizing her love for Zack. And this was now way more challenging with a sword of the 'projects submission due date' hanging on both of their heads.

During the days they couldn't be at ease, as they were buried in their works and meetings to uplift and enhance their projects to make it shape best before the targeted date. Coz even if they had fallen head over heels for each other, they were still competitors, who are fighting tooth and nail to win the tag. And due to their storming working hours they didn't had much time to even take their proper meals.

And just like their days, their nights also weren't giving them any rest, as that was the only time when they could be in their dreamlands together, gazing at each other eyes on eyes, hands in hands.

Even with too much wish and urge to have just a glimpse of each other, they couldn't afford to take time for their sweethearts to go visit ay their place.

After coming from Blue's residence, Zack thought of calling Eva once but then he skipped the idea. Instead, he shot a message noting that he had reached his home - which was in a way a small startup conversation with an expectation If she would reply that.

Getting his message Eva couldn't stop herself from only sending a thumbs up emoji as her reply, because she herself was realising that, not giving him even a minimal reply would be too much too rude of her. But then a sudden stress started to rebuild on her chest, as just in case if he calls her back after getting this message and taking this as a green signal to start up a conversation which she didn't wanted it as of now. And so, thinking about it Eva immediately switched her cell phone off like a nervous moron.

On the same day evening, after a few impatient moments Zack called Sarah, but it was hard for him to ask his extra smart friend about her sister; when she was under the impression that they both were now kinda cool with each other. But as Zack couldn't hold back his urge, he went ahead and tactfully framed and toned his questions about Eva's well-being and her current mood, so that Sarah spill her beans without being the female version of Sherlock Holmes.

As expected by Zack and also according to Sarah, Eva was not in her usuals, nor was she having much encounters with her own sister which just left him in the bottom of nowhere.

So, that was about getting Eva's info from Sarah without getting bitten back by her. But when it comes to his part of calling Eva, he had to almost tie up his hands from hitting the call button under the name of Eva, as of course he was blasting from inside to get a tiniest view of the aftermath of her locked up heart. But at the Same time he couldn't hold up any more with that and that's when, on the next night, post dinner Sarah video called her best buddy for some face to face conversation in between their hectic schedules.

They stayed up in the video call chatting with each other for long, and in the whole time Zack's eyes kept searching the background around Sarah, to at least accidentally get a littlest glimpse of Eva. His wish just got done when Sarah entered into her little sister's room and playfully faced her cellphone screen towards Eva who was looking busy, typing something in her laptop keypad.

She looked lesser intimidating in her pajama than in her formal coats. And the moment she looked up to check what was going around, her eyes fell on the cell phone screen of her sister and a gasp of shock escaped her mouth. Her eyes went wide to find Zack gazing at her, through the screen while Sarah spoke something in the background, which by the way, totally went unheard by both of them, as they were busy gazing at each other without speaking a word. It was a few seconds gaze for Sarah, but for them they were gazing at each other for hours.

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