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Zack took his hand off my eyes, letting me see ahead and what I saw was the least I was expecting at this moment.

It was the top view of our entire town. Perhaps not entire, but I could see a huge area from here. This view before my orbs was just mesmerising for any human eyes, which stayed still as if there was nothing else around me.

My soul was absolutely enchanted by the sight of tiny, twinkling lights which looked like a dazzling diamonds and jem embaded on the dark blanket layed across the huge area of my city.

Looking down, I now understood that I was brought here, in the edge of this high land for not being pushed down, but instead to see such a breathtaking view of this entire city from here

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Looking down, I now understood that I was brought here, in the edge of this high land for not being pushed down, but instead to see such a breathtaking view of this entire city from here.

Once my panic vaporized from my soul, I felt the gentle carasses of the soothing wind blowing, drying down the moisture covering my skin. My stiff and tensed body instantly relaxed inside the wrap of Zack's assuring arms, who held me firmly so that I don't stumble because of the height.

"I knew you'll love it." Zack whispered into my ear and my lips curved up, slipping out a blissful smile.

"It's Beautiful....! " I replied softly, pressing his arm and nodded my head, without tearing my orbs from the mind blowing sight. Standing here on the edge of this hilltop for a long silent moments and being wrapped by Zack's warm body, we wordlessly absorbed every detail of this mesmerising, picturesque view. We let the cold breeze pat our check like being loved by mother nature, under the starry night.

Once the tranquillity of this sight got permanently imprinted on my mind for forever, we strode back to our car. Without being separated from Zack, I sat on the bonnet of the car and heard everything romantic Zack could come up with. I too tried to tried go with him on the same page but as usual, I soon found that he was way better in expressing his feeling than me. I felt it better to talk less and just keep on listening to him more and more. I really loved listening to whatever Zack had to say while I heard him like being hypnotised by his words.

All the fear I had about being in the dark place, suddenly poofed away from my mind. Our lovey-dovey talks was soon taken over by our discussion about our clients and their funny memories while we giggled and made fun of them. Between our giggles, we quickly grabbed our favourite chips and doritos from the back seat of our car to munched them in.

After that, with our decision to drive back to our lives, we sat inside the car. Zack being charmingly talkative, kept on going about something, facing me. But suddenly, I was now not interested in talking anymore as my mind started to lose a grip over me, while my eyes gazed his natural pinkish lips which turned a bit red after tasting those mild spicy munchies. His beauty was distracting me, making a very familiar feelings bubble inside me.

Zack was absolutely clueless about what just started to brew in my mind as he was totally lost blabbering about something. In order to start driving, Zack just placed his hands on his steering wheel when I quickly lunged for him and locked my lips with his, taking Zack by surprise and also making him go shut at once.

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