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When you see your loved ones gets even a scratch, you wince , but what happened to me was more then just a wince when I found the angel of my sister, my only family lying down unconscious at the entrance of her room. Her head bleeding profusely making a small pool of blood around her head.

After a little talk with Zack when I headed back to my room, my heart skipped a beat to find Sarah lying down on her stomach.

"sarah!!" I whispered being puzzled, bringing my brows together at first but once I realised the situation infront of me, My heart jumped inside as if it just got punched. My eyes popped out and my hands shivered relentlessly to see Sarah like this. I shouted being horrified with all my lungs out in my highest pitch which almost echoed in the entire house.

" SARAAAAAH !!!! " I ran with all my force to reach up to her and almost dashed myself on the ground to sit beside her.

My eyes grew even wider in terror to see the thick crimson fluid constantly poured out through the cut which was hidden somewhere inside her hair.

A shaky cry escaped out of my throat but I couldn't even cry properly as I got totally blanked out. I didn't know what to do as tsunami of bad thoughts gushed into my mind like a bullet speed dropping my hreat into my stomach.

Thank God that my and Sarah's rooms are situated in the same corner of this house or else I wouldn't have been able to notice it sooner.

I somehow turned her to lie down on her back and slowly but carefully snaked my hand under her back and pulled her on my lap. I hugged her head feeling terrible and scared. Bring her on this posture I could make out that her cut was at the side of her head, few inches above from her left ear.

" Oh my God. Oh my God. Sarah. Please wake up." I murmured feeling helpless at this moment. " Oh my god No. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME !!"
I shouted aloud between my weeps.

All I just wanted was to just teleport myself and Sarah directly at the hospital as soon as possible . I just wanted my sister to wake up fine and tell me that she's okay but the blood pooling by, scarily narrated a different story which did not looked good.

" What happ --" asked a panicked voice. I turned my head to find Zack standing a few feets away from us looking confused trying to understand the scenario, and the moment it sinked into him, he instantly rushed towards our direction just the way I did a moment ago. His eyes bulged out to find his sweet friend lying like this, bleeding bad.

"Sarah!! " He shouted looking highly worried. "Sarah!!" "What happened to her ??" He asked panicked.

" I don't know, when I came, I found her here." I hurriedly explained him with my extremely shaky voice.
" Oh my god she's bleeding so much. Please call the ambulance." I said between my cry.

Zack paused looking at me as if he was thinking hard, than spoke
" No. Its gonna take a hell lot ov time to reach here, and we cannot just waste our time like that. She needs immediate attention. " he said looking at me , than suddenly he spoke in his commanding tone, taking charge of the situation which reminded me of his Alpha attitude during the charity event.

" Eva, go get the car. I'll carry her, but just help me to lift her up safely."

He was damn right. Waiting for an ambulance to arrive and than take Sarah to the hospital will be a idiotic move. The only way right was to take her to hospital by ourselves, as I just can't waste a single more second waiting for some stupid ambulance to arrive.

Absolutely agreeing with his point I give him my quick nods and helped to set Sarah on Zack's strong arms who carried her in bridal style. Once she was securely placed on his arms, Zack stood up maintaining his easy balance
without any trouble as if he was holding a weightless cat.

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