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That's Eva rolling her eyes up lol

Eva's POV

Yesterday, my remaining day was ruined by the unholy announcement, and unlike that stupid man,I was hell depressed to find my glass half empty.

After coming from my office Sarah put all her efforts to convince me to go party with her, because my sister thinks that it's a huge moment to celebrate. For her it was a successful achievement which needed to be celebrated, but truth to be told I was so disheartened as I really did not expected it to be a tie, which is by the way means a beginning of another race. It's as if a sword hanging over my neck ... So, how am I suppose to go out and celebrate carefree, when a major battle is yet to be fought? I somehow tactfully avoided her party plan as in reality, I was never interested to jump in on dark room in the rhythm of high pitched throbbing music, surrounded by drunk and wasted people.

Sorry !

Not a fan !

Yeah.. I know that Sarah thinks that in my twenties, I have started acting like an old hag and she sometimes really sound worried for me. And so, due to that she always try her best to force her 'so called ' fun life upon me. she thinks that someday I will act like a normal person but .... I AM A NORMAL PERSON.

If everything would have gone as per my expectation yesterday and if I had won it alone. And if there wouldn't have been a Tie. I might have agreed to her plan for her satisfaction and would have kept her proposal of party.

I know she feels disappointed on me because of my several denial, but I have always made her understand that this is not what I like.

Over the years, she has many a times insisted me to date a guy. And for that, she had many times fixed dates with her hot model friends, So that I might fall in love. But... Ta.. Da.. here I am single and proud.

It is not that I am a virgin and I have never had a boyfriend before, But I think my luck is kinda short when it comes to a boy or a Boy-Friend. For an instance in my college, I had a boyfriend whom I loved with all my heart, but that asshole dumped me within six months for some other bitch.

Then I got it from my best friend Harry. He was my pal, my buddy, but look !! he too applaudingly ditched me and fled away. Hence, I am not interested to get ditched and played again in my life. And SO ..... I say big NO to Love or a Boy- Friend. And who the hell says that I'm loveless, Where I have an absolutely irritating yet awesomely sweet sister by my side, and that just really works well for me .

Its a new day today and I have already planned certain things back in my head for the next competition and I can't wait to discuss it with my team.

I'm driving my way towards my office. I don't usually drive as it's mostly done by my driver Ted, but unfortunately he couldn't make up today because he had to take his granddaughter to a theme park.... problem for me but fine.

Reaching near my office building I quickly parked my car perfectly into to the open parking lot allotted for my car, and removed my car keys keeping it safely in my coats pocket. I gently lifted my latte pack from my dashboard which is waiting for me to take a sip of it, when my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I removed it from my pocket to check the name displayed on the screen.

'Sarah '

I received the phone and brought it to my ear .

" Hey Ev !! You reached office?" Inquired Sarah.

" now"

" I'm just checking on you ."

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