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Author's POV

7 Years Ago

A Huge auditorium of a college, filled with a lot of young energetic students. The next generation who will bear the responsibilities of the coming bright era.

All sitting in the front middle of the auditorium With their eyes filled with lots of colourful dreams, a zeal to prove themselves in the world. And to give their hundred percent to fulfill their dreams.

All the students sitting together in a long, well arranged rows which is streatched from left to right. Their respective parents and guardians sitting right back at another set of stretched rows which was arranged just exactly behind the student's rows.

In the middle of all those students was seated a young girl, named Ms. Eva Blue. With her bluish green eyes and her jet black hair. She is just like any other teenage kid, but she had a unique air of sincerity, leadership, command, power to hold up an authority which surrounded her. She's here with her elder sister who is seated right in middle of the parents-gardians seats.

"It is my pleasure to welcome students, families, and faculty to Graduation day. Every one of you have made an impact on the graduates who sit here today." spoke the principal head of the college opening the speech speaking through the mike.

Everyone payed attention to the speech given by the respected Principal. After the speech finished by the man, he than requested the guest of honour, Mr. Alan Westwood to speak a few words to the students.


Mr. Westwood is a very successful businessman and also very powerful and Influential person In New Jersey. But spite of being an owner of such power, he always wears a humble smile and is always polite to others while talking. He knows how to tame success and put it below his feet by not letting it take possession of his head.

It is not the first time that students were seeing Mr. Westwood in the college, as they had twice received a chance to interact with this gem of a person during their academic years. He is not only one of the trustee's but also the Director of their college.

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