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Like I have earlier said that Sarah is no less than my mom. She did everything possible to raise me good and strong, and whatever I'm today.

I had never seen Sarah this heated up on me before. Infact she's the most easy going, cool and happy go lucky kind of person who loves to spread happiness around and I've never seen a frown on her lively face.

I know that I cannot be that patient, friendly and a sweetheart like her, but whatever she told me last night just shook me from inside. At that point her words pushed me into a black hole of thoughts which tore me and knocked me from every possible directions.

I know that I'm kinda rude to others, especially to the guys who try to approach me, and have a boring life but I can't help after whatever has happened to me before. But as per my sister's suggestion I should try to step out of the locked doors of my heart.

Floating along with my thoughts when I finally made up to the shore of my reality,  I realised that I was standing all alone in the room.

But before I got slipped into my thoughts I, from the corner of my eyes noticed Zack still standing. Surprisingly and weirdly I wasn't feeling any anger or hatred towards him or anyone at that time.

He seemed confused, as if he couldn't decide wheather to stay or leave. I guess he must have left when I was faded away into my notions . And why won't he leave ?? He should have been the first one to walk off. Who's going to stay after being hurt and sliced by my verbal blades ??

With the heavy feeling of  making my sister dissapoint on me, my tears which were holding the edge of my lower lashes streamed down like a loose water flow. I don't know what happened to me all of a sudden but Sarah's word really washed me over like a huge title wave.

All I felt was torn and broken because deep down I knew that my sister, the one who knew me well more than anyone in this world was hurt because of me.
No matter how hard I try to fight and prove everyone that I'm doing it right, and show that I'm not emotionally challenged, but deep inside I'm scared to open my 'Already wounded heart and trusts'.

This was the thing which I never accepted, or let's say that I was so driven by my anger and hatred of being played everytime that everything seemed to be fake, dark and hurtful. whatever she just said was like a blazing sun of truth to me which was hard enough for me to face . right now all I knew that I have offended my sister and had really behaved in a very unacceptable way.

I don't hate Zack, but I hate the way he wants me , and claims that he loves me which I find really hard to trust. Honestly, I'm scared of falling in love and than getting ditched.

Whatever equation I have for him is not healthy, especially after that gym thing he did to me but deep down somewhere in the bottom of my heart and the little girl inside me, who still hold a bit of humanity and compassion, knows that I have done evil to him. Like Sarah said earlier, this was not me .

The whole night my guilt kept me tossing and turning on my bed. I was so disturbed by the last night's episode that I couldn't sleep peacefully.

Today in the office I wrapped my work quickly so that I can go home early as I'd pre decided that I will amend my misdoings, and so after coming from my office I decided to prepare the same pie, which I make the best.
feeling guilty and remorse Stirring in my heart I decided to apologize to both of them. Preparing the dish with my whole heart and garnishing it beautifully to rectify my deed, I with the pie plate in my hand quickly made my way towards Zack's room and placed the pie on Zack's coffee table, along with my hand written 
note, and swiftly got back to my kitchen. The moment I stepped behind the counter of the kitchen I noticed Zack walking towards his room. And that's when I realized that he was at home already.

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