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Above is the image of Zack's mansion.

Above is the image of Zack's mansion

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And this is Eva's Villa.



Inspite of being a lovely Sunday morning it doesn't feel like one as my buddy here was totally busy the entire time, being glued to his laptop, glaring it's screen intensely. And Eva being Eva, is never seen around much. Atleast Zack was sitting with me here in living room and was partially giving me his company. But his company right now was as good as no company as he was not talking to me atall . He was just silently sitting in a corner of the couch and was just working like a good CEO should.

Seriously, If someone doesn't sees him working like this, that person will never believe that this guy, sitting in here actually work so dedicatedly.

I've being watching TV for about an hour now, but Zack has not even for once rolled up his eyes from his laptop screen to check what's going on in TV screen. I only wish if I had this sort of concentration I would have been the president of United States.

Watching him not talking at all and thoroughly buried in his work like a geek, I naughtily curled my lower lip between  my teeth and raised the volume to disturb my buddy for some fun. And the moment the volume shot up to our ears, I heard Zack's deadpanned voice from my right, the place where he was sitting a few feets away.
" Sarah. Please, I'm working." 

I instantly turned my head to look at him. But there was no change at all in his intense expression of his face, nor in his eyes, which didn't even flickered for once. It was as if he was just turned in to a living, breathing humanoid while I raised my brows feeling amazed by the level of his concentration .

Giving up with my attempt to distract my humanoid bud, I realised a long sigh of boredom and lowered the volume while continuing to watch the nonsense playing infront of me.

After a few minutes I spotted Eva walking in the living room.  She was wearing her usual tee and a loose pant, and was engrossed talking to someone over her phone. she was least bothered about what was happening here or who was around. She was totally busy with that call and was marching up and down in the passage between the our open kitchen and the living room.
Ignoring her I decided to resume watching whatever was happening in the TV screen, and just like that I involuntarily rolled my eyes around only to spot something unbelievable.

The one who was so drowned in his work and was not ready to spare a glance at anywhere else for this entire time here, was now having his eyes nailed on my sister while she had no clue that there was a silent audience watching her pacing up and down in the room probably in a slow motion.
Zack's entire posture remained unchanged , his hands were still on the keypad of his laptop but only his head was slightly tilted towards her direction and his orbs were just set on Eva as if there was nothing else present in this room.
It was not the first time that I caught him staring at Eva like this but Spotting him scanning my sister and not being DISTURBED any more, I sucked up an air of surprise and glared at Zack narrowing my eyes and tilting my head a bit.

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