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Standing afar in the passage space of my house, my orbs drilling the site of 'the cluess of my sister', giggling with that 'moron head' while they sat on the couch of my living room.

Look !! How flawlessly he's acting out his 'fraud bonding' with my sister. I thought rolling my eyes lividly and twitching the corner of my lips.

No one can guess what I'm feeling right now, to watch this heart burning view in front of me. I'm feeling so isolated because of him, that I can't even feel free to go sit in my OWN living room.

It's not like that I always come home and prefer to sit there, but today, I'm having this sudden urge to just push him off and go, sit on that very exact spot where he is sitting right now. How cunningly smart he is to enter in my house using my sister as his shield.

One whole day passed and I cannot come up with anything to throw him out of my house. The entire day in my office, I kept wrecking my brain to do something; anything to make him go away.

I just can't believe that he literally used my sister to get to me. I mean, in what language will he clearly understand my words, that I -  Don't - Want - Him - In - My - Life, Nowhere in my radar. But it seems that he is not able to get in my words into his thick skull.

And what's with my sister too !!??


Like any X Y Z will come, and become her friend, and she just end up jumping into a partnership deal with him ?? And not just that, she also brings him to stay in our house without consulting with her own sister ??

Ya, I know that Sarah doesn't know anything about my recent life dramas, and that's entirely on me. But bringing Zack here, was dumb.

No no this can't go like this. I have to do some thing to get him out of my house. ASAP. I thought internally gearing up to take charge of the situation.

Hiding myself behind the passage wall and anxiously  bitting my thumb nail, I glared straight at him my hateful eye. Getting down from the train of my panicky thoughts, I saw Sarah stood up and walked into our open kitchen , leaving her infant friend unprotected. And this is when I got my opportunity to pounce my sharp talons on Zack. (Snickering)


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