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Author's POV

The way Zack and Eva entered the gate of the Blue's residence was not the same when they left from here, which was indeed a cute start of a beautiful road journey and also of them together. But now, they have returned back, wrapping themselves in a cold silence, like two different strangers who've never met before.

Entering the main gate they now walked towards the door of the villa. And as Eva walked ahead, Zack followed her behind, letting a step like distance between them like a gentleman. He knew that she needed some space even while walking and so he just remained behind and zipped according to her request.

He indeed have shut himself for her sake, but his eyes never left her as he kept looking at her messed up hairdo and those loose lock which swayed backwards due to her quick motion of moving ahead, while his heart was brimming off with too many curious questions digging holes in his mind.

Getting inside the empty house Eva gushed towards her room without a word while Zack stood still watching his mysterious girl trail off and vanishing from his sight on the other end of this house.

With a heavy heart he sighed and strode towards his room to freshen up himself and definitely take some rest after a long hours of distressing situation they faced together.

Reaching in his room he headed for his bathtub and sunk his tired body in the foamed water. Not even for a second he could think of something else other than the girl he had been totally in love with. And currently who has once again left him emotionally, in the vacant island of nowhere.

Every single memory spent with her in the last few hours kept repeating in his mind like some intense romantic film which played right in front of his eyes, almost making him relieve those moments again with her. The feel of her kiss, her touch, the warmth of her infinite affection was making him go insane. It was as if like he knew what it was exactly between them but still it was hidden behind the thin veil of her silence Or maybe he was thinking it wrong.

He couldn't come to any conclusion, that wheather it was just her lust which got triggered due to the heated nearness between them, or did she really shared the same feeling which he always has for her.

It was not even a minute that Zack got out from his shower when his cell phone rang pulling his attention to it. He wasn't really in any mood to talk to anyone especially about business, but the gadget kept calling him without giving it a rest. In order to switch off his phone, he hustled near the bed on which the cell phone buzzed aloud. Picking up the phone in his hand he glanced at the screen of device and he just couldn't kill his phone. Instead, he picked up the call and brought the device to his ear as it was just not some random person on the phone.

" Hello, Mom!"


After Zack and Eva was back, Sarah also got back to her home in the late evening. She stepped inside the house while being busy talking over her phone to an intern of her's, regarding her new client's demands. She just was in the middle of her conversation, instructing her intern when her eyes spotted something a few feets away from her. Watching the same she went motionless and was no more interested in talking to her intern.

Her eyes went broad and her jaws dropped down, fixing her orbs on it as she was pushed into a pit of surprise to find her dear friend standing right infront of her, looking clean and fresh who was dressed in his grey tee, a black jeans and a same coloured leather jacket.

" I'll talk later." Sarah said without tearing her gaze from him and quickly disconnected the call, continuing to blankly look at Zack and spoke in her surprised filled voice which pitched up a bit high.

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