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It's 2:30 AM in the morning and I'm feeling kind of low after the blood transfusion process and also the whole chaotic episode. The mental exertion within these few hours has really taken a toll on me.

Resting my head on my hand, I closed my eyes but It seems rest and peace has hidden far away from me, as everything, from start to end of whatever happened today kept flashing over and over in my head. I can't even imagine that what I would have done without Zack. I alone wouldn't have been able to bring Sarah here on time. How could I've get her to car safely if he wouldn't have been there. How soon someone could come and help us in the situation; How could I have done this alone by myself?? May be I could have, but it would have been too late ?( heaving feeling uneasy)

My head's spinning thinking about these things while my brows dived in my nose as I'm filled with dread feeling terrified of the situation where I might had to deal with it all alone, without any help while Sarah's blood kept gushing out along with her life.

No matter how many times I thank him, but in reality I can't thank him enough about whatever he has done for us tonight. I have been so delusional and so blind to think in a highly inconcidarate way of him.

Now I know why people say never judge a book by its cover. All I thought about Zack was a pervert, irresponsible, immature and good for nothing guy, but today he proved me all wrong.  Somewhere I'm feeling ashamed of whatever I have said and done to him which was so not done.

And more over, inspite of my insults and a misbehaviors he always spoke to me gently and in his respectful tone.
" For me , you are disgrace to his name. If he'd been alive he would have been ashamed of you and your existence." my shameful words ringed in every corner of my head making me wince in embarrassment and remorse, when I heard somebody snapping fingers in front of me as a gesture to wake me up.

Being alert I quickly open my eyes, and to my happy suprise I saw a big size, starbuck's take away coffee mug which was being held by a hand.

The aroma waving around from that mug itself was tempting me to just snatch it from that hand and take a  refreshing sip of it

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The aroma waving around from that mug itself was tempting me to just snatch it from that hand and take a  refreshing sip of it. Being confused I lifted my chin up to find the owner of this hand. It was none other than Zack, smiling and waiting for me to take the mug.

I remained dumbfounded and motionless in surprise for a moment to find that he brought a coffee for me.

Few minutes ago when he asked me about getting me a coffee, I said no to him but God knows how much I wanted to say yes but my guilt and embarrassment gagged my urge to tell him so . After all, whatever I'd bestowed upon him, how can I just ask him to bring me something when I had always and over and over again did worst to him. But despite of me telling no, he still brought it for me.

How did he know that I was dying for a coffee. I thought internally being stunned still gazing up at him.
Reading the my surprised struck face he said answering my unasked question.

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