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After failing in several attempts to fix a little appointment with Eva, I'm finally on my way towards her office and I'm going to meet her today itself. And nobody can stop me until I do, coz I'm done with this chasing game between me and her and now it's show time.

With a ding the elevator door slid open and I stepped out with both my hands dug inside my pocket on floor of Phoenix Limited.

I scrolled my eyes to find that It was a simple and usual arrangement which looked very familiar like my office, but only one thing which was lacking was colours as it was a totally washed off with white

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I scrolled my eyes to find that It was a simple and usual arrangement which looked very familiar like my office, but only one thing which was lacking was colours as it was a totally washed off with white. I was surprised to find such a colourless office of such a beautiful girl who had painted my life with colours ever since we've met .

There was a recepction desk in the entrance and a blurred glass door with a punch card security lock on it which would only allow the employees of this office get through.

I strolled near the desk and placed my elbow on it. Probably noticing my hovering shadow the receptionist's eyes shot up to me as she was talking over the phone with her head bowed down a bit. It was clear on her face that she must have never seen such a handsome hunk ever before, as her eyes remained stuck on me . without tearing her stare, she kept the receiver down like she was in her trance.

See ?? Girls are blown by my irresistable charms and good looks, but I wonder why the hell it doesn't work on my Blue girl... ( wonders sadly) (sighs).

" Hi there " I greeted her in my humble tone wearing a genuine small smile .

" Haii !! " her 'Hi' sounded more dreamy as she kept gazing at me like an awestrucked fan girl, but she instantly cleared her throat to shake off her dreamy tone replacing it with her professional one.

" Ahem.. Hello Sir ?? How- how may I help you ??" She asked in her sugary voice.

" I'm here to see Ms. Blue ."

" Do you have an appointment ?? " she asked through her smile and pushed me to a clueless pit.

" Ah uh - the thing is - ah . "Knitting my brows I struggled to speak, as I really didn't had anything to say. And further more I was unable to think of anything right now, as I was not willing to tell my name to anyone of this company. Because I knew the moment they will come to know who I am, they will never allow me to even smell her scent.

Whilst I was internally itching my head to come up with something my eyes fell on a plumpy, slow moving guy, who was just about to punch his card hanging around his neck and open the glass door to get in.

" Um - the thing is -- Never mind." saying that I instantly bolted towards the guy and the moment he opened the door wide, I cut passed by him and successfully entered inside the office. I heard the receptionist pleading and yelling at me to stop at the same time.

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