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Eva's POV

Flying back to New Jersey, I headed straight to my office as it felt to be a perfect idea to keep myself busy in my work, to stop my guilt and my conscience doesn't creep up to my spine.

But inspite of sinking my head into my work still there was something ticking back in my mind, which was tearing my sanity apart. Today's dreadful morning scenario which I witnessed after getting up from my sleep kept on flashing before my eyes, hitting me like a huge tidal wave, making me pause in the middle of my work giving a cringe over and over again. Jerking my head I tried to dive into to my work even more deeper but this disturbing cycle doesn't seems to rest.

This is something which I can't even share it with Sarah. It's not that I don't want to, the thing is I can't. Has it been something else I would have definitely shared it with her without any hasitation but THIS ?? whatever happened will never come out of my mouth even if I try to.

Deep down in my mind I'm praying that Zack Westwood doesn't end up doing something nasty, which will prove fatal to my company and my reputation. And due to which I have to pay dearly. All I can do is to pray, but nobody knows what's waiting next. If he does something, What nightmare I will bring to Zack Westwood and his company will be a secondary thing, but doing anything will never undo the damage caused to me.

Every moment this morning scenario replays before my eyes , my heart beats like it will come out of my mouth and my head spins thinking that what I have got myself into and it's screwing me deep making me feel pathetic.

I know this is America and we are in 21st century and no one cares about an accidental one night stand but in this cut thoat competitions in our business world every aspect of reputation matters and I take it damn seriously.

What if he have somethings recorded as videos or anything of that night, what if it goes viral ?? God knows I am not like this . Have never been. Ya .... it happened once that too when I was in my college and when I thought that I was loved but now things are not so easy and simple as they use to be before when I was just a college girl. Now I have a name in this world, and every pillar of my company is standing on my shoulders which I have built it from a scratch.

These thoughts were affecting me deep shaking my core. Over thinking was draining me off making me least interested to focus. I again shook my head and tried to concentrate on my work as today It seemed like a tough battle between my work and my disturbed mind.

The whole day passed like that and soon it was time to go home. Trust me I really didn't wanted to, but Sarah kept on texting me insisting me to come home early so that we can to have some sister quality time together. She hates when I fly out of town for some work as she doesn't like to stay alone even if accompanied by her girlfriend Nina. I was trying hard to pass my time as much as possible here in the office as I didn't wanted to give Sarah any clue of my worried cum sad face.

Keeping her wish for once I my life, I unwillingly stepped out of my office and got into the elevator.

Reaching down on the ground floor I removed my cell phone from my coat pocket to check out the time. It was 6:30 in the evening. I tucked it back in again walked towards the parking area where my driver was waiting with my car. As I was not in hurry to reach my home I was walking in my normal slow pace. I was hardly in my mid way when I heard a distant voice calling someone, but it was not clear. In a flick of a second I again heard the same distant call, now a little more clear which grabbed my attention.

" EVA .... !! " someone called from not too far.

Halting on my way I looked around being confused, and that's when to my horror I spotted a familiar distasteful face hustling towards me, excusing people on his way. He was calling my name fixing his eyes on me.

For a moment or so I stood there motionless with my terror struck face, as I didn't know what to do while he was getting closer to me by every passing second. It felt like a scary monster was making his way for me to claim my soul and drag me to hell.

After whatever happened between us, there was no way I was going to face Zack Westwood ever again.
And talking to him was way far from my worst imaginations. Watching him closing by I Instantly started to jog my way hurriedly towards my car as if the place was about to blow.

I saw my grey haired driver speaking to another one in his leisure time, who did not noticed me arriving. I didn't wanted to waste a single more second to make him ready my car to go and so I shouted to him on my way towards him.

" Ted !! get in the car. FAST !!"

He jumped out of his chit chat being confused, realizing me closing by, and as per my order he instantly did the same and got to his driving seat.

I too almost dived inside the passengers seat and closed the door behind.

" Come on Ted !! Get going. Go ! go !! go!! " I shouted again in my panicked tone and holded the front seat's back in tension, as if we were recreating some action movie's chasing scene.

I glanced through the closed tinted window of my car as I was sure that Zack will not be able to to see me through. He was now almost running towards my direction, but before he could get any closer to my car, Ted brought the engine to life and rolled out of the premises. I turned my head back to see his loser like face hanging sadly, unable to stop my car while a laughter of victory escaped out of my throat.

" Ms. Blue, is everything okay??" Ted asked worried keeping is eyes on the road.

" Ya.. All fine " I said exhaling a deep breath of relief.


🧚‍♀️: What's Zack's plan?? What's he going to do ??

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