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Guys, please be a little quiet !!

Guess what ?? I can't say this out loud to this bus full of my employees on this charity event day, while I'm looking out of the window of this luxury bus trying to silently pass the time until the bus gets started.

For my employees this day is no less than a picnic for them, and so they are all highly charged up and super excited like school goers. And just like this there's an another two buses behind us waiting for the ' ready to go ' signal from us.

Resting my elbow on the window and supporting my temple with my fingers, I asked Janet making a straight face, with my tone dipped in utter impatience

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Resting my elbow on the window and supporting my temple with my fingers, I asked Janet making a straight face, with my tone dipped in utter impatience.

" When is this bus going to leave ??"

" Just five minutes more Ms. Blue. One person is still yet to come." said Janet being worried while her eyes set out of the bus door, looking for the late comer. She was standing by her seat next to mine holding her cell phones gripped tight.

"Five minutes more and then we're leaving. No excuses." I ordered as we were all waiting since five mins.

" Right Ms Blue ." She nodded vigorously glancing down at me.

This is the day where two companies and their employees come together, jell up with each other to grow some mutual bondings between them, and help raise some money for the event and participate for many fun activities as well. The place where we're heading is a well known club which is situated in the countryside.

This event takes place every year and my company always gladly tags along with Mr. Greyfield's company, Think Big Ltd. Our companies get well together as we ( Mr. Greyfield and Me ) has a good understanding with each other, and more over his company doesn't fall in my blacklist and due to this reasons I've always been quite okay to get along with them for this day.

Mr. Greyfield is a chubby cute little old man who's age doesn't permit him to participate in those games so he mostly attends this event for an hour just for his employees and head back to his home to rest. And as far as I'm concerned, I sit in the corner peacefully with my laptop and continue with my work while our employees have fun.

The truth to be told I don't even like to come to such events, but for the sake of my employees I have to, as I don't wanna make them feel left alone and insignificant. The thing is sometimes you have to do things for just the sake of others even if you don't want to, especially for your loyal and hardworking employees, and that's my case right now.

After a minute or two , one of my employees hurried inside the bus apologising to everyone and lastly looking at me with his 'late coming' guilty face. Looking at him I gave him a slight frown nod and he quickly settled down somewhere in the back seat and within no time the bus vibrated to life, and our journey to our destination began .

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