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" Thanks Vijay. " I turned to walk away. Vijay went back to rejoin the ongoing game.

After completion of the first phase of my plan, which was to scare Eva by feeding her mind with spooks. And now after Vijay transferred that scary voiced audio in my cell phone, I'm finally heading for my second phase, and to execute the same I'm on my way towards the backside of the room where she is. Thank goodness that her room is on the ground floor or else it wouldn't have been easy to get through.

" Hu ha ha ha." I laughed like a monster in excitement "Here I come Eva Blue. " I muttered to myself rubbing my palms then removing my cell phone from my rear pocket of my jeans.

Moving fast I quickly reached outside behind the open window of her room the one which I saw when I was inside the room few minutes ago. I slowly and cautiously peeked inside to find her back facing the window while she was looking at her laptop.

Watching her calmly looking at the screen, my brows knitted as few heartbreaking thought crossed my mind.

What if she is really not effected by those ghostly talks ??

What if she's really a braveheart and doesn't gives a crap about it??

What if she's doesn't come out ?? And if she don't , then my entire plan so far will just go in vain. My situation will be exactly like a person who got his cake but never got to taste
But when I was just thinking about this, I saw Eva instantly turned her head looking at the empty room with her fear struck expression. For once I thought I was caught and my game is over but I came out lucky, as Eva didn't spot me peeking inside but was suspiciously checking inside of her room. And here by this I just received my confirmation that I was not good to go with the phase two of my plan.

Here we go. Ha ha !!

Now I was damn sure that this plan of mine which was to get her out of that stupid room and make her enjoy the day with me ( Ahem ) us will definitely work.

Dropping my eyes down at my cell phone I set the media volume to the highest pitch and carefully hid myself further below the window. Than Raising my hand above my head but still making sure that it was hidden behind the window wall, I hit the play button of the ghostly scary scream of a woman.

The moment I played it, even I got startled a bit by it's scary pitch, as my eyes grew wide hearing this heartstopping a shriek.

What the hell Vijay !!?? I asked for sacry not deadly. I thought internally.

I abruptly pulled my hand down as I didn't wanted her to spot anything, even by mistake and quickly stormed away towards the hall.

All of them were having great time and were lost in the spinning wheel game but my mind was still stuck at Eva and the ultimate success of the plan which was still yet to confirm by the mere sight of her.

I couldn't keep myself calm as I had an urge to go check for her whether she was really out of that mini office of her's or not. To check the same I instantly marathoned towards the way of her room and that's when I spotted her running towards my direction while having her eyes set backwards and before she could collide.

" WOAH !" I yelled to make her halt and look ahead while she had her eyes set back but running ahead.

Hearing my sudden 'woah' she startled royally and gasped aloud turning her head to face me. Her eyes were filled with horror as she looked at me blankly. She was sweaty and panting heavily.

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