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Unable to hold back Zack at once crashed his lips with mine and I let his tongue slide into my mouth.

The way he pounced on my lips as if he was just waiting for my consent to devour them, like a hungry carnivore

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The way he pounced on my lips as if he was just waiting for my consent to devour them, like a hungry carnivore. The warmth of his mouth, lulled me to close my eyes giving a strange feeling of satisfaction and peace as if this was the only thing I just ever wanted.

I instantly felt his muscular hands snaking around me, pressing me tight to his chest like he was afraid by the thought of me getting disappeared; while my hands shot up to press the back of his head, forcing him more for my lips. My fingers dug into his hair as I was too afraid to loose his touch over my body.

Lips to lips and tongue to tongue, danced in an very obsessed rhythm as it was a sarving kiss. It was the kiss of our love. A wet, hungry, tongue sucking, soulful kiss which apparently went through a lot of hurdles.

Zack was not alone who was in with all his force as I too participated in it going shoulder to shoulder with him on this.
Our needs got started in such an insane note that either of us just didn't cared about anything else around us.

It was never hidden from me that how much Zack have craved to get inside me; but I was also feeling no less to be wrapped by every inch of his body. We kissed hard as if we were inseparable and our lives just depended on it.

Rough puffed up breaths and my muffled moans where the only sound echoed in this silent room, and Nor Zack and neither I was willing to give up on our kiss fight.

Like a starving soul, I parted my mouth more to suck his lower lip, but Zack's force on my mouth was was so much, that I found myself failing to do so. The way his thunder swirled inside my mouth, I couldn't help admitting that I really liked how he nibbles my lips like they were some fresh juicy fruits which he never tasted it before.

Due to My body was pressed tight with his, I could clearly feel his hard shaft almost trying to make it's way between my legs, as we stood being separated by only our thin clothes on our bodies; ignoring the fact that we were not in an appropriate place, where we could be disturbed any moment.

How can I blame him for being so impatient??, when the wild me had already torn all the veils of hesitation over myself and equally cares for nothing.

My soft inside muscles started to grow painfully wide, ready to take him in, right here, right now; but here we were, still in the middle of our hungry kissing game.

My desires overlapped which made me jumped up, holding his broad shoulders while Zack immediately grabbed me by my ass to lift me up.

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