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The Press conference which was suppose to go only for one hour, got stretched for another one hour more which was draining all my energy out. I just wanted to go home and relax for the day while Zack's last minute backing out from the competition was still ticking in the back of my head, but here the intrusive questions seems to never end from the paparazzi.

The way some of the media people threw questions at me only meant that they were least interested in recording my future business plans and my thoughts for it, but was more keen on collecting more gossip from my stomach as they kept digging about my views and my details about that party night debacle . The night when everything changed in an ugly way between me and Zack but somehow I tactfully dodged those hammering questions by reminding them that we are here for business and not anything else. Esteemed gentlemen sitting beside me at my either sides also aided me to nudge them to ask relevant questions only.

 Esteemed gentlemen sitting beside me at my either sides also aided me to nudge them to ask relevant questions only

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After it all got over I bid my byes to the heads and board on to my car to roll out for my home. On the move I realised that it's not my home I wanted to go, it's my sister with whom I wanted to be with right now. And with that I requested my driver to head for her office which is twenty minutes away from here office.

My ride moved ahead swiftly on the broad road along with several other expensive cars in the same line, while I sat leaning my back looking out through the tainted glass of my window, thinking about one single thing that I wasn't able to brush it off

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My ride moved ahead swiftly on the broad road along with several other expensive cars in the same line, while I sat leaning my back looking out through the tainted glass of my window, thinking about one single thing that I wasn't able to brush it off. I was weirdly not feeling very happy about my win today as the way I should have been. The thing which I wholeheartedly longed in my entire life, was suddenly starting to make me feel hollow from inside.

I honestly didn't expected that my victory day will bring no joy to me and this was only because of that one person, Zack Westwood. Whatever Zack's PA said before, kept playing in my mind on repeat. Not for a single moment I could stop thinking about his last minute, mysterious withdrawal of his name from the competition. And this - This was the very reason which was ruining not only my sanity but also the taste of my joyous victory. I couldn't just think about anything else but this.

I had no answer for any of my questions popping in my head, that, why in the end he did this ????  why he threw all on the very final day??? Why would he purposely not broad the train which would have let him reach the destination which Mr. Alan always wanted to go ?? Why would he not choose to fulfil his Father's last wish and his only dream in the end for which he dirtied his hand by stabbing me on my back???

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