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Going to that dark itself sounds like a bad news. And from where it's a good idea to get off the car???
I thought looking at the dark space of the sideroad which was a forest. It didn't looked to be dense like those are shown in the discovery channel. What are they called ??...... Yeah, the Amazon forest, where brushes and thick trees are all over, but this forest was not like that as it was a forest of long maple trees, stood tall in the dark.

I bet these are the beautiful maple tree, posing cool shadows in the broad daylight but right now it's only looking spooky and scary in the darkness of night.

While I'm looking at the forest of these trees and have no idea what's out there, I'm also dreading about the thought that now we were in such a situation where we're soon to walk into it

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While I'm looking at the forest of these trees and have no idea what's out there, I'm also dreading about the thought that now we were in such a situation where we're soon to walk into it. To find some safe places out there which is highly doubtful.

No no. I must convince Zack on staying in the car more. I don't feel good going out there. I thought to myself and was internally not happy with Zack about he choosing this route at night, but I also didn't wanted to give him a hint about me being displeased because I just saw how he looked so devastated and wildly tensed for the arousal of this situation. And no doubt that he was clearly looking horrified when his car was going dead on him, and moreover I didn't wanted to make him feel bad about putting both of us in danger, which he surely had no control on.

Peeling my sight from those dark space in the forest, the moment I turned my head at Zack, my eyes fell on something which he was holding in his hand.

It just put me on surprise while my eyes bulged out rising my brows to see a gun on his hand and I couldn't help to control myself from asking
" Is that thing a ...... ?? "

Hearing my question, I saw Zack open his mouth to say something but he instantly stopped in the middle as his orbs rolled towards the rare windshield of the his car

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Hearing my question, I saw Zack open his mouth to say something but he instantly stopped in the middle as his orbs rolled towards the rare windshield of the his car.
He paused looking at something through it while his brows knotted between his nose.

I also noticed him going still without saying a word while his orbs rolled along with something which was nearing towards us. I too Sharply turned my head to see what he was peering at and hence I followed his eyes.

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