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That's the Believer's track.


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Main Door clicked open, and I spotted my lill sis enter in the house, humming Believer song from Imagine Dragons, which doesn't really happen everyday.

" Someone's in a good mood ?!?! " I inquired being amused, wearing my usual greeting smile and turning my head from my cell phone screen to glance at her.
Eva walked straight near me and threw herself on the couch of our living room, facing the side of my body .

She inclined her back to make herself comfortable and chirped.
" Yap, I am. "

" And may I know the reason why??" I asked, now properly facing her interested to know more.

She looked elsewhere particularly at nothing.
" Lets say, a bug of my life is finally gone."

"You're talking in code." I replied puzzled.

" Okay !! Words simplified. There was something bothering me for a long time. And now it has been two weeks that I can't sense it hovering back over me again. Finally, I'm feeling so relaxed."

" Okay. I hope it doesn't stay like that for long." I said in my serious tone.

" What!!??" She snapped surprised.

"I'm Kidding." I deadpanned and continued with an appreciating tone from the bottom of my heart.
"But I'm glad when you're home early."

"Me too. And guess what ??!" She erected herself "We're going to have our sister time together by having our favourite ice cream and watch all the latest marvel movies." Eva chirped excited.

" Movies ?? I'm up for it too." Said a male voice drawing our attention.
" Oh ! here you are !!" I Addressed to the same voice, and then to my sister who had her back facing the man. " I should have told you earlier that We have a guest tonight."

Being curious Eva turned her head to look back at the fellow meanwhile I happily introduced them to each other.
" Eva, please meet my friend,
Zack Westwood. Son of Mr. Alan Westwood . He's Our guest. And Zack, this is Eva, my cute little sister."
For a couple of seconds or so, Eva remained numb without showing any movements, while still having her eyes stuck at him. Than slowly she got up from the couch and turned to face Zack properly. And On the other hand Zack smiled and casually jerked his chin up greeting her.
" Hi !! "

As Eva's back was facing me now, I was not able to see her expression on her face but I sensed there is something was weird with Eva, as this is definitely not a way she would react to whome she had just met. Being confused I was just about to opened my mouth to say something to her, but before I could, she asked Zack in a very poisonous tone.
" What, are you doing here??"

Eyeing Eva's waste length, mid night hair and the strange expression on Zack's face, I asked them puzzled.
" You guyz know each other??"

Eva jumped to answer me as if she wanted to answer first before Zack could .
" Ya... I .... I ..... have met - Him once - in a .... in a .... business seminar. That's it. "

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