Chapter 47

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Tris POV
As the last knife lands I feel a small sting and trickling blood coming from my ear. Eric yells at me which I didn't listen to, then excuses us all. I walk away from the target still touching my ear. "Are you okay tris?" Tobias asks with sympathy. I want to feel comfort by his voice and happiness that it's all over but I can't. All I feel is anger.

"You cut me." I mutter giving him a glare. He sighs loudly. "I'm sorry, but I knew Eric wanted me to hit you somewhere." He says and my blood boils more. "You still cut me!" I say louder. "I had no choice." He says. "Yes you did. You could have just threw them at me and not cut me!" I say back with rage. "Your one to talk about not doing something! Why couldn't you have not taken al's place! Hmm?? Why couldn't you just kept your mouth shut?!" He's yelling now. His kind blue eyes I know and love have some how faded. "I...I.." I stutter not knowing what to say next. "You should clean your ear up." Tobias says and walk off.

I'm on the verge of tears, but hold them back since I'm headed back to the dorms. "There she is!" Chris says walking up to me. She helps clean up my ear and will comes over to talk to me also. All three of us sit on our beds and chat for awhile, till we decide to go to dinner. I sit down with chris and a girl I met named Marlene. Al and will join us and the two girls start blabbing about something I'm not paying attention to. All I can focus on it tobias. He's sitting at a different table with Zeke, Shauna, and uriah. He's not looking at me thankfully but I am. He still looks mad or just upset, and I don't blame him. I was out of line, he was only doing what he was told. I feel bad now but I know I need to let him cool off.

"I'm beat! I'm going to go back to the dorms and get some rest." I tell everyone after everyone but our table had cleared out. They nod and I leave. Most everyone was in the pit or playing truth or dare in the train. I go back to the dorms and change, black shorts and a tank top. I pull my hair into a messy bun and keep my combat shoes on. I don't go to bed like I said though. I wonder to the training room, there's one dim light on in the darkness, it hovers over a punching bag. A bag being used by tobias. I can see the sweat soaking his charcoal colored shirt, I see the blood on his knuckles from punching so hard. His hair is layered with sweat as well, but I catch a glimpse of his eyes and they are back to their beautiful blue self.

I walk slowly up to him and in the sudden silence I say in a clear voice, "I'm sorry." He turns around and our eyes meet. "I'm sorry too." He says and I give him a small smile. "I'm just blowing off steam." He says motioning to the bag. I nod. Then as if we were scripted, I walk to him slowly and he slides his hand over my cheek. I put my lips to his and kiss him deeply. I run my hands through his hair and take in his intoxicating scent. His hands grab hold of my waist and his tongue enters my mouth but I don't try to stop him. I wrap my legs around his waist and he leans me up against the punching bag.

His lips move from my lips to my neck. I savor the feeling, a feeling I've never experienced. His lips land back on mine, and his right hand once in my hip is now stroking my thigh. I moan quietly on his mouth and I feel his hand raise higher. Suddenly a rush of fear comes over me, I never knew I had this fear. I pull away from the kiss and his kinds eyes show me reassurance. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong." I whisper. "It's alright." He says moving a strand of hair from my face to behind me ear. "We don't have to. I'll wait." He says and all my fear crashes, his words make me feel safe.

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