Tris POV
I wake up the next morning surprisingly well rested and ready for the day. I get changed and admire my new ring at every movement I make, I absolutely love it. But I love more what the ring represents. "Morning love." Tobias whispers in my ear behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my back against his chest. I can hear the thumping of his heart and can smell the soap he used on his skin. "Ready to go to breakfast?" He asks and I nod.We hold hands as we walk to the dinning hall, we spot chris and will and Zeke and Shauna at one table and go join them. "Morning love birds!" Shauna says smirking and chris laughs. "Look how red she turned!" Chris laughs. And I try to hide my face. "I'm joking tris!" She says and I fake a laugh. "So.. Fear simulations today." Will says after taking a sip of whatever he's drinking. "I'm ready!" Zeke says with excitement. He seems confident and he probably should be. "I'm not.." Chris mumbles and I agree with her. Tobias doesn't say anything.
Uriah and Marlene and Lynn joined us shortly and most of breakfast consisted of short meaningless conversations and laughs. We finally clear out and wait in a small room, most of us are silent but some make quiet small talk. I see tobias sitting up straight and his facial expression is impossible to read. I nudge him with my elbow. "You okay?" I ask. I look at me and for a moment that's all we do. "Yea. I'm fine." He says and goes back to staring off into space and having his mind swim in thoughts. I know he says he's fine but come on, that was so unconvincing! He not okay and I'm nervous for him. He'll be okay in there, I keep telling myself. He'll be okay.

If I had met you in grey
FanfictionThis story is about Tris and Tobias! This story is about what if they met and fell in love in abnegation. They face challenges but their love will withstand it all.