Tris POV
After breakfast we all head to the training room, fights start today. Tobias holds my hand the whole way there but I'm still nervous. We do some technics to start off the day then Eric calls us over to hear who's fighting first."Al vs. will" I whip around to look at them, they have the same look on their face as I do. Pure fear. They can't beat each other up! They're friends! But I've learned that the dauntless don't care.
I watch as they get into the arena, Eric explains the rules and they begin. I can tell they don't want to but are they really going to back talk to Eric?! Al punches will hard in the jaw which makes me wince. I can see Eric smirking at al, he's proud of him. It disgusts me! Will stumbles with a hand pressed to his face, and luckily blocks al's next pinch with his free hand. I watch them more and see that in will's eyes is determination. He wants to win, he believes he can win. Al throws more punches but will blocks them.
But then Al is able to grab will's arm so he can't slip away and punches him hard in the jaw. I watch like everyone else, I watch as will slumps back uncontious.
This is dauntless, learn to fight. Learn to beat up your closest friends and learn to be ruthless. Did I make a mistake coming here??

If I had met you in grey
FanfictionThis story is about Tris and Tobias! This story is about what if they met and fell in love in abnegation. They face challenges but their love will withstand it all.