Tris POV
I wake up and see that half of everyone are already up or getting ready, and the rest including me are still asleep or waking up. I get up and get ready for today, showering and changing into my clothes for the day. Then grab one of Tobias's sweaters and pull it over my black tank top. I lace up my combat boots and head down for breakfast.I spot Tobias, Uriah, zeke, and Shauna all at our table so I walk over. I wrap my arms around Tobias from behind and feel him jump. "Morning." I whisper in his ear.
"You're wearing my sweater aren't you?" He asks and I already know he's smirking, but I want to see it so I sit next to him. "Yes." I state simply. He chuckles and continues eating.
"So Tris, we were asking Four here, how he liked zip lining last night." Zeke tells me and I laugh. "He had an amazing time." I joke and I can already feel his glare.
"Mhm. You looked pretty shaken after words so I'll say you hated it." Shauna says beginning to laugh as well. "Yeah yeah." Tobias says rolling his eyes, I plant a kiss on his cheek knowing he can't stay mad at me for long.
We all keep eating and chatting with one another, as more join the table and leave the table. "I want to take you somewhere after breakfast." I hear Tobias whisper in my ear. His low voice sending chills through me, I turn to look at him. I nod and he returns to the conversation he was having with Uriah.
Tobias has us catch a train after I say goodbye to Christina, breakfast ended awhile ago, but we like to stay back and talk. "So you gonna tell me where were headed?" I ask taking a seat next to him after catching my breath from all the running."Nope. It's a secret." He says and I groan. He chuckles and silence soon fills the cart. It's not a bad silence though, it's one that has me thankful for the man beside me.
"Come on. Time to jump." Tobias says and I stand up. He jumps out first and I follow shortly after him. He comes to me making sure I'm okay, which I am. We walk hand in hand to the mystery destination.
"What's in the bag?" I ask totally clueless that he had a small paper bag with him. "You'll see." He says smirking that he knows things that I don't.
"You're not going to tell me anything are you?" I ask pretty sure of the answer. "You're very curious aren't you. I don't know how you survived in abnegation that long." He states.
"You're not very nice." I tell him grinning.
"You're one to talk." He says.
"Hey! I could be nice if I tried." I tell him. "Hmm." He says tapping his chin with the hand he pulled out of mine.
"Say something nice then." He says and his hand slides back in with mine.
"You're very good-looking." I say.
I see him smile and a soft laugh escapes him. "I like this 'nice' thing."
I laugh and he stops walking, causing me to pause as well. I look up and see ahead of us a towering Ferris Wheel.
"Wow." I say breathless. "I know. I saw it awhile back, and had to show it to you." Tobias says, our eyes locked on the structure before us. "It's beautiful." I say. "I know. That's why you and I, are going to scale it." He says, and his words catch me off guard.
"What?" I say wondering if I heard him wrong. "We're going to scale it." He says and we walk, getting more and more closer to it with every step we take.
"But what about the heights?" I ask remembering how scared he was when we went zip lining. "The fear will be there, but you'll also be there." Tobias says and rests his hand with the bag on the ladder leading up the Ferris Wheel.
"Ladies first." He says and I laugh. I take a step into the rusty bars and am soon off the ground. "I'm impressed by your manners." I say to him, my voice feeling like it disappears into the morning air around us, the higher we go.
"See that bar up there." Tobias says pointing to the metal ahead of me that is big enough for someone to sit on.
"Yeah.." "Go to it." He says and I do as he said. I climb a little further almost to the bar when my foot slips from beneath me, and I'm dangling from the Ferris wheel. I feel Tobias lift me back, steading me. His fingers brush my bare skin from where my tank top slid up, his touch sending fireworks through me.
"You okay?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say and I finally reach the bar. He slide next to me, so we're both sitting there together watching the last of the rising sun.
"To you." He says pulling out a bottle from his brown bag.
"My mother got it for me, smuggled it out of the erudite kitchens. It's supposed to be delicious." Tobias says popping off the top. He hands me a cup and pours some in, I watch as it fizzes. He pours his own and we clink cups before tasting it. It burns my throat at first but I soon grow used to it.
"Are you nervous for the final test later this week?" Tobias asks me, swirling the drink in his cup round and round. "Kind of." I tell him honestly.
"I'm not too nervous about the test itself, but the fact that I could be factionless, have no home." I say and the thought makes me shiver. "If you don't make it, and I'm sure you will. I'll leave with you." He says and I turn to face him. This time it's me seeming to search his eyes.
"I'm going anywhere that you do." He says and I smile. "Thank you." I whisper. He kisses me lightly.
"This stuff is kind of disgusting." Tobias says empting the rest of the drink that was in his cup. "Yes it is." I agree with him. "I wonder what the Abnegation treat would have been, if they had one."
"Stale bread."
He laughs. "Plain oatmeal."
We laugh for a moment, "Sometimes I think I believe everything they taught us," he says. "But obviously not, since I'm sitting here holding your hand right now without having married you first."
"What do the Dauntless teach about . . . that?" I say, nodding to our hands.
"What do the Dauntless teach, hmm." He smirks. "Do whatever you want, but use protection, is they teach."
I smile and feel color rush to my face. "I like what we have though." He says. My smile grows and I snuggle into his side. Smelling the wind on him, intoxicating me. "Me too." I tell him.
"We should've cheered to that." I point out sitting up a bit, but not moving from his side.
"To what?" He asks looking down at me.
"To us." I say and he grins, then presses his lips to mine.

If I had met you in grey
FanfictionThis story is about Tris and Tobias! This story is about what if they met and fell in love in abnegation. They face challenges but their love will withstand it all.