Chapter 4

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Tobias POV
"Get up!!" I hear a loud banging at my door. "Get the hell out of that bed right now!" It's Marcus, he screaming at me. So I hurry and get changed. I head down the stairs. When I reach the bottom, it's him. His cold, insane eyes looking right at me. His belt in his hand instead of looped around his pants. "Tobias." He says with a wicked smirk on his face. I gulp.. I know what's coming. "This is the only way to teach you." He says coming closer to me. Then his belt flies through the air and lands on my shoulder. "I'm doing this for you." He says and swings it again. This time it hits me hard across my cheek. Blistering pain shoots through my cheek. I bite my lip to keep myself together. He finally stops and tells me to leave for school.

I walk out and check my shoulder, it's red and looks like it will bleed at any moment. My cheek is another story. I head down an ally that's empty and choose to stay here for today. Some days - like today, I choose to skip school. Only because I know that I look complete beat up and in pain. I set my bag down and take a seat. I wrap my arms around me knees and clutch them close to my chest. Then tears begin to roll down my face.

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