Tris POV
The next morning there's a feeling in the air, one that's undeniable. Its fear. Everyone's nervous, today will decide the future of our life forever. I put on a black tank top, black leggings, my leather jacket and combat boots. I pull my hair into a simple ponytail, and add just a bit of mascara. Christina bought it for me and I thought that I might as well use it today."Morning." I hear a deep voice I've connected the word safe to. I turn to see Tobias standing behind me, he's in all black- just like a true dauntless.
"Morning to you." I say. We're both afraid, just like everyone else. But for us, there's a warming part living inside us. Whether it was put there from last night's memories, or just the fact that we know we will always have each other no matter the outcome of today.
"Come on." He says and motions with his head to the door, his hands deep in his pockets.
"I want to show you something before breakfast." Tobias adds. I smile small and follow him. He walks us to the chasm and for a moment I'm a bit confused, but I shouldn't. It should make sense soon.. I'm guessing.
We take a seat, right on the rocks we call our own and now the ones we made love on. Tobias laces his right hand into my left and looks over at me. "I wanted to give you something." He says. I nod looking up at him now.
He takes something out of his jean pocket and I see it's the silver charm bracelet I remember my mother wearing around the house from time to time, or it would be hidden away in her jewelry box. I knew her to wear it on special occasions only.
He lets go of my hand and drops it into my hand. "Where.. Where did you get this?!" I ask in disbelief.
"I went to abnegation the other day." "When?" I cut in. He chuckles, "After lunch, you went with Christina." He answers. "Anyway.." He says and I smile.
"I asked your mother if there was anything at your house, either yours of something that would be something you could keep. Something small from home that you could keep in your new home." He says.
I smile with familiar tears wanting to spill. "She said that it was passed down from woman to woman in your family. And when the new woman got it, they would add a charm see." He says pointing out the dangling small silver charms, "And they'd engrave their names on the back. Or initials." Tobias adds. Now the tears are present.
"She gave it to me, to give to you." He says. "And I added a charm for you, two actually." He says and I look.
I find the new one that has my name on it, Beatrice Prior, It reads. Each one has the faction symbol engraved on the other side of them.
"And this one," Tobias says grabbing the other new one. "Is one I made specifically for us." He adds. I look and instead of the abnegation helping hands, it has the orange dauntless flames. I flip it over to find Four and Six engraved on the back. This time bolded-because that's more dauntless like.
"Tobias. I love it, thank you." I say trying to find the best words through the tears.
"How am I six if I have seven fears?" I ask after a moment.
"You conquered a fear Tris." He says. "Yeah but it got replaced." I tell him.
"I don't care about that. Because that doesn't matter. Everyone's going to have fears, but you were able to overcome one of them. That's something not a lot of people can say." Tobias says to me. I smile, blushing and looking down.
"We're Four and Six." Tobias says and lifts my chin to look at him, and he leans in. Brushing his lips against my own.
"I love you." I say, staring into his eyes.

If I had met you in grey
FanficThis story is about Tris and Tobias! This story is about what if they met and fell in love in abnegation. They face challenges but their love will withstand it all.