Tris POV
I wake up and remember that today is visiting day, they were going to have it a couple weeks ago but post-poned it. I get changed and see tobias getting up. "Hey." I say walking over to him and kissing his cheek. "Morning." He says. We are both glad we don't have simulations today. We head down to eat breakfast and I sit by will and Marlene, tobias sits in Between Zeke and uriah, but is across from me. "So what was one of your fears tris?" Uriah asks me. "Why does everyone want to know so badly??" I ask taking a bite of my muffin. He shrugs but still waits for an answer. "I'll tell you one." I say holding up one finger. "K." He says. Everyone's listening now, "Being burned alive." I say and I get some faces of fear or "that's terrible" looks. "How about you?" I ask. "Nope!" He says pretending to seal his mouth. "Pansycake." I say and he glares. Zeke laughs.After breakfast max has all gather around to make some speech and soon start visiting day. I don't listen to the speech but I'm surprised that tobias does. When he finishes speaking we all separate sort of and wait for our parents or family. Tobias stays by me and he's a stiff as a stone. I nudge him to get his attention. "Hey! It's okay." I whisper and nods. I know he's scared to see if he'll show, I would be too. Soon I see my mother and run over.
••••Tobias POV••••
Once we all spread out or go find our love ones I go stand with tris. I'm sure he won't be here, but he could. I highly doubt it though, he hates me more now. Tris nudges my side. "Hey it's okay." She says. Her words are soothing and reassuring. I nod. She sees her mom and goes over to her. I watch as they hug and smile with each other. It makes my heart ache for my own mother, though she abandoned me she's still was my mother. Tris starts to walk over. "Mom this is four." She says. Her mom smiles. "Ms. Prior." I say shaking her hand. "Tobias." She whispers. I nod as I blush. "I knew it was you." She says. Tris talks some more to her mother and soon it starts to clear out.Tris watches her mom leave and heads back to the dorms. I start to leave but her mother grabs my arm. "Take care of my beatrice." She whispers. Her eyes are kind and her hands are gentle. "I will." I say and she smiles then leaves. I walk back and find tris. I sit on her bed with her. "At least he didn't show." She says and I nod. "Let's get some sleep love." I say and she nods while yawning. I watch from under my cover as her eyes gradually close and her breathes even.
I will take care of her. I will protect her. I will love her.

If I had met you in grey
FanficThis story is about Tris and Tobias! This story is about what if they met and fell in love in abnegation. They face challenges but their love will withstand it all.