Chapter 26: Bridges and Silly String

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 26

Bridges and Silly String

-Claire's POV-

The time between from when I last talked to Ashton flew by like a bullet train driving past my face. In that time we had finished up the Ireland part of the tour and we were back in England. Manchester to be exact for what was to be the second of three parts in being in England. Not much really happened, the argument had definitely thrown a void between Ash and I making pre-show or just being on the tour bus with them tense and awkward. But believe me, I wasn't going to make the step of making up, if anything I was still slightly pissed.

But on the other side of the spectrum, when I'm not just hanging out with the girls, excluding Louise, or the other 5sos boys, or everyone. I'll usually to be found mucking around with Louis, whether it be getting taught how to play Fifa or putting trays of ice cubes in every bunk of both the 5SOS and 1D tour bus.

But no matter the activity one thing didn't change, our relationship. Because we hadn't told anyone and we were trying to keep us a secret, as much as possible, whenever we wanting to be alone, we either had to sneak around backstage or scan the perimeter to make sure no one was there. But I think both of us loved it, sneaking around all the time it was kind of fun. And to put it into Louis's words, "It kind of makes me feel like a spy,"

Another thing that hadn't changed was Louise, every chance she got she tried to snuggle up and be all lovey dovey with him except he was a lot more reluctant to give in as he usually shrugged her off.

"Aw come on Ash," she said tugging at his sleeve, but she gave up when he stood up and left the room, causing me to look down at the dishes I was currently washing and smile.

"What's so amusing?" She sneered at me, before walking off in Ashton's direction. I threw the wet cloth behind me into the now empty sink before I turned around and wiped my hands on my, now, slightly soapy jeans, "Nothing," I commented with a growing innocent smile on my face.

I stepped away from the sink and looked around, no everyone else had gone out. I smiled cheekily as I sprinted across the turf between the 5SOS tour bus and the 1D tour bus, running over to Louis bunk and pulling the curtain open.

"Oh, could you have knocked love, some people are still waking up," He said, as he stretched, phone in hand. I smiled and rolled my eyes, "Good morning to you too," I said smiling the cheeky grin on my face.

I he looked at me smiling confused, "What's with the mischievous grin?" I smiled before leaning in closer so the others who were lounging around in tour bus enjoying their few hours off before their first show in Manchester.

"Almost everyone has left the other tour bus except for one or two people," what do you say we start off your day by silly stringing the boy's bunks?" I watched as the same expression I had on my face began to grow on his, I stepped back as he hopped out of his bunk.

"Give me five minutes and will pop out to the near convenience store," I nodded before walking out to living/kitchen and sitting down on the couch before I started up a very interesting conversation with Harry about our preferred soccer team. For which I had to rack my brains to remember what soccer team Jarred went for. Which took a lot of effort considering I hadn't seen him since I my fifteenth birthday.

"Ready?" asked Louis stepping out of the boys bunk room a couple of minutes later, I stood up and nodded.

"Where you two off to in such a hurry?" He asked raising his eyebrows up and down flirtatiously. I bent down to his level, since he was sitting down and I was now standing up.

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