Chapter 39: Santa Cruz and Song Inspiration

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 39: Sana Cruz and Song Inspiration

-Claire's POV-

I let the surprisingly cool Californian wind rustle through my hair as I looked out at the cityscape. After all the action from yesterday I was pretty tired, and all the girls were happy just to chuck a lazy day, mainly spent on Netflix. Ah the bonuses of Americana.

However, eventually after hours and hours upon end of snacking and pictures glazing across the screen it became too stuffy inside. And that's how I managed to find myself standing outside on the balcony, rather watching the hours of the day creep away than a Breaking Bad finale.

I heard the familiar chatter of the boy who were only just now emerging from the recording studio after, probably, another hard day's work.

I turned my head around slightly to watch their shenanigans for a couple of seconds before turning back to face the view that was in front of me.

Their laughter and joking had now become more hushed as they approached my figure. I listened as they came to a stop not too far away from me before they seemingly awkwardly looked between each other. When I heard someone pat a person, I assumed was Ash, on the back before the rest of them muttered small hellos before retreating back inside to join the girls.

My assumptions were soon confirmed when, out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Ashton came to a standstill, joining me in leaning against the railings and looking out at the view.

For a peaceful moment or two neither of us said anything to acknowledge each other's existence, but didn't have to in order to feel comfortable.

"So not even Breaking Bad could hold you down for the day?" Ashton said in the end breaking the silence, I looked over at him and smiled. His hair was held back by a bandanna, which seemed to be a recent addition to his attire. Our eyes met and disconnected many times in the short seconds of silence as we silently scanned each other's faces.

I let out a short laugh, trying to take away from the prolonged time of just staring at each other, and looked back out at the view.

"Well I was never known to be able to sit still for more than five minutes as a child so it figures I guess," I said as I pulled my face out of my face, only resulting in it falling back in place again. I looked back over at him to see him still shamelessly looking at me, trying to grab my eye contact.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asked, turning side on so that his body was now fully face me. I let my smile slip off my face a bit as I held his eye contact.

"My parents, the tour, all my deepest and darkest secrets," I said wistfully, at least until I got to the last part which I said more in a joking manner. He raised his eyebrows and seemed to be more intrigued the conversation.

"And what would those be Miss Adams?" He asked as his leaned in closer, I could feel the breath hitch in my throat, before retreating back to his normal stance, noticing sudden change.

"If I told you I'd have you to kill you Mr Irwin," I said in a sophisticated manner, trying to play along with him. As much as I hated to admit it, it bothered me how much of a hold he seemed to have a hold over me. Especially after I had thought I had finally buried and disposed of all my romantic feelings towards him. Even more so, now that I had a boyfriend. But his cheeky grin and dimples were even harder to get over than I had previously anticipated.

"Have I even told you that I like a girl of mystery Claire?" He said, the normal cheeky grin plastered across his face, I rolled my eyes and went back to looking out at the view.

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